(A)   Superintendent; duties. The Village Superintendent shall have charge of the Hydro-Electric Power Plant and the Water Works Plant owned by said village together with all lines, mains, and other appurtenances connected with said plants. He or she shall make reports from time to time to the Village Council regarding the business and property of said plants and shall at all times be subject to the direction and control of the Council, and he or she shall receive such compensation for his or her services as such Superintendent as the Council may fix and determine by proper resolution.
(2005 Code, § 182.001)
   (B)   Employees. The Council shall, from time to time, employ such assistants and other persons as shall be found necessary for the proper maintenance of said plants and shall fix the amount of their compensation for such work, such assistant and other persons to be under the supervision and direction of the Village Superintendent.
(2005 Code, § 182.002)
   (C)   Deposits and rates; rules and regulations. The Council shall, by resolution, provide for the deposits and rates to be charged the customers of said plants, the terms and time of payment of the same, and may make such other rules and regulations governing the same as shall not be in conflict with the state law governing the same.
(2005 Code, § 182.003)
   (D)   Application for service. Any person desiring to use electricity furnished by the village shall make application to the Superintendent, or to the Council if no Superintendent has been appointed, and the said Superintendent or Council shall determine whether the regulations and rules of the village and the provisions of the state law governing the same have been complied with by such applicant and in case such regulations have been complied with shall order such person to be connected with the plant of said village.
(2005 Code, § 182.004)
   (E)   Right of access. Every person using electricity furnished by the village shall at all reasonable times permit the Village Superintendent to enter in upon the premises where such electricity is used and examine all apparatus and fixtures connected with the using thereof.
(2005 Code, § 182.005)
   (F)   Transformers, meters, lines. The village shall furnish all transformers, meters, and lines to the building of the applicant, except under conditions which require more than ordinary expenditures, in which case, the Council may require the applicant to pay for a part or all of the expense of such installation.
(2005 Code, § 182.006)
   (G)   Extensions of lines. All extensions of lines outside of the village limits shall be by special contract with the Council and all the parties concerned and all such contracts shall be subject to the provisions of this section as to construction and maintenance.
(2005 Code, § 182.007)
   (H)   Discontinuing service. Electricity must be turned off and withheld from any person, firm, or corporation in areas for payment of rates as provided by resolution of the Council.
(2005 Code, § 182.008)
   (I)   Restoring service. No person shall turn on or use the electricity upon the premises occupied by him or her after the same has been cut off by the Superintendent or the Council for any cause, until permission to do so shall be given by such Superintendent or by the Council.
(2005 Code, § 182.009)
   (J)   Destruction prohibited. It shall not be lawful for any person to in any manner or way molest, injure, tamper with any machinery, wires or lamps, or fixtures belonging to or appurtenant to the Electric Light Plant, or any part thereof, except those employed by the Council for that purpose.
(2005 Code, § 182.010)
   (K)   Effective date. This section shall take effect August 30, 1937.
(2005 Code, § 182.011)
(Ord. 25, passed 8-30-1997) Penalty, see § 51.99