§ 51.30 CUT OFFS.
   (A)   The charges for electric service may be a lien on the premises, and those charges delinquent for six months or more may be certified annually to the property tax assessing officer or agency who shall enter the lien on the next tax roll against the premises to which the service shall have been rendered, and the charges shall be collected and the lien shall be enforced in the same manner as provided for the collection of taxes assessed upon the roll and the enforcement of the lien for taxes.
   (B)   In the event that the Village Council elects to cause the said charges to be assessed against the said property as set forth above, then, in that event, the village official or officials in charge of collection thereof shall certify annually, on March 31 of each year, to the tax assessing officer of the village the fact of such delinquency, whereupon such charge shall be by him or her entered upon the next tax roll as a charge against such premises and shall be collected and the lien thereon enforced in the same manner as general village taxes against such premises are collected, however, in a case when a tenant is responsible for the payment of the charges and the Village Clerk is so notified in writing, the notice to include a true copy of the lease of the affected premises, if there be one, then the charges shall not become a lien against the premises after the date of the notice. In the event of filing of the notice, the village shall render no further service to the premises until a cash deposit in a sum equal to not less than two months’ charges is made as security for the payment of the charges and services.
   (C)   In addition, the village shall be authorized to discontinue electric service to any premises for which electric charges remain unpaid beyond the second Monday of the month immediately following the month in which the bill is sent, and such service shall not be restored to such promises until all delinquent charges, together with interest and penalties, and a turn-on charge of such amount as the Village Council shall from time to time determine by resolution, are paid. Further, such charges and penalties may be recovered by the village by court action.
(2005 Code, § 181.020) (Ord. 1-A, passed 11-8-1926; Ord. 3-99, passed 5-6-1999)