(A)   Inspections generally.
      (1)   No individual, firm, or corporation shall install, alter, or use any electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment, subject to the terms of this subchapter without first notifying the Inspector and giving him or her ample time to make his or her first inspection before any wiring or equipment becomes concealed by structural work, and that a secondary or final inspection shall be made before authority can be granted for the cutting-in of current or a continuance of the use thereof. Upon his or her final inspection, the Inspector shall hang upon the entrance point and near the meter a blue tag to denote his or her approval, or a red tag if further corrections are required.
      (2)   And under no circumstances shall it be lawful for the Superintendent, or any others, to cause service to be given until the Inspector’s blue tag appears. And under penalty of the maximum fine, hereinafter provided by this subchapter, shall anyone remove the Inspector’s tags for any purpose whatsoever, or attempt to use the electrical energy as provided by this village, except under the direction of the Superintendent or his or her or her designated agent in making the required connections.
(2005 Code, § 181.011)
   (B)   Inspection tags.
      (1)   Inspector’s report. The Inspector’s blue tag, when removed by the Superintendent, shall be immediately filed by the latter with the Village Clerk for permanent recording, while the red tag shall be replaced only by the Inspector himself or herself.
      (2)   These tags shall read as follows.
         (a)   Approval.
Date ______         INSPECTOR’S REPORT          NO. ____
To Superintendent:
I have, on this___ day of_______ 20____ inspected the following work:
New Installations Of _______            Place _________
Additions To______________            Place _________
Alterations Of ____________               Place _________
for Mr./Mrs.______ on his or her or her property at _____________ and that the said work has been completed strictly according to the provisions of Ord. 1-A, and permission is hereby granted for use of electrical energy and the cutting-in of said service.
               (Signed) _________________INSPECTOR
         (b)   Reverse side of tag.
To Village Clerk:
I hereby report that on this _____day of____ 20_____ by authority of the Inspector, I have made the proper connections delivering energy to Mr./Mrs. ______________ at___________ through Power Meter No.____ and Light Meter No.__.
(Signed)___________ Superintendent or Authorized Agent.
WARNING: Under penalty of a $100 fine, this tag shall not be removed by any person except it be the Village Inspector or Superintendent.
         (c)   Disapproval.
Date_______         INSPECTOR’S REPORT      Permit No. _____
To Superintendent:
I have, on this _____ day of __________ 20___ inspected the work done under the above Permit Number, and find that the following corrections are necessary before energy can be supplied or service cut in, under the provisions of Ord. 1-A.
New Installation _________            Place ________
Additions ______________            Place ________
Alterations _____________            Place ________
               Signed _____________________ Inspector
(2005 Code, § 181.012)
(Ord. 1-A, passed 11-8-1926) Penalty, see § 51.99