(A)   Generally. The Village President shall annually appoint an Electrical Inspector, confirmed by the Council, and he or she or his or her duly authorized agent shall have supervision of all the installations, alterations, or additions to the electrical wiring, connections, and apparatus and of all the electrical equipment installed within the village or on its rural lines, as hereinafter provided. And it shall be his or her duty to cooperate jointly, at all times, with the Superintendent in carrying out the provisions and intents of this subchapter. The Inspector shall be paid a fee determined by the Council, as conditions may warrant.
(2005 Code, § 181.003)
   (B)   Duties.
      (1)   The Electrical Inspector shall have the right to, and it shall be his or her duty, to cause all present installations in the village and on its rural lines to be inspected in order to ascertain if they are in any respect dangerous to life or property, and if any such installations be found so dangerous, the owner thereof shall be notified by the Inspector or Superintendent and a report of the same filed with the Village Council.
      (2)   The owner shall be given a reasonable length of time to remedy the faults, and after the expiration of the time specified in his or her notice, if the defects are not remedied, the Inspector shall notify the owner or his or her agent to cease using such dangerous wiring, apparatus, or equipment, and thereupon display his or her red tag of disapproval on said lines.
      (3)   And thereafter it shall be unlawful for such owner or agent to use or permit the use of electrical energy through the faulty wiring, apparatus, or equipment, until the same has been corrected and passed upon by the Inspector.
(2005 Code, § 181.013)
   (C)   Powers. The Electrical Inspector shall be granted the power to visit and inspect the lines, wiring, apparatus, and equipment within the village and on its rural lines and have access to them at all reasonable times. And when the Inspector’s tags have been displayed by said Inspector on the said lines, wiring, apparatus, or equipment, it shall not be lawful for anyone to remove the same, other than the Inspector himself or herself.
(2005 Code, § 181.015)
(Ord. 1-A, passed 11-8-1926) Penalty, see § 51.99