(A)   Installation and construction regulations. All distribution lines for electric, communication, or similar associated utility services installed in new subdivisions or developments within the village limits shall be placed underground. Those electric, communication, or similar associated utility services placed in a dedicated public way shall be installed so as not to conflict with other underground utilities. All facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the standards of construction approved by the State Public Service Commission. All underground utility installations which traverse privately-owned property shall be protected by easements granted by the owner of such property.
(2005 Code, § 183.001)
   (B)   Waiver or modification of requirements. The Village Council may, by resolution, waive or modify any of the above requirements for underground line installations with respect to a particular plat or site plan when the strict application of the above requirements would result in unnecessary hardship. Prior to any such waiver or modification, a public hearing regarding the proposal shall be held by the Council.
(2005 Code, § 183.002)
(Ord. 4-86, passed 6-1-1986; Ord. 00-2, passed 5-5-2000)