Any person, persons, firm, or corporation desiring to operate a taxicab or taxicabs or a taxicab service on or along any of the streets, avenues, or highways of the city shall, before undertaking to do so, file with the Clerk-Treasurer a signed application in writing, duly sworn to by the applicant or applicants, showing the following:
   (A)   The name of the person, persons, partnership, firm, or corporation desiring the license and if a firm, the full name of each of the partners thereof;
   (B)   The place of residence and principal place of business of the applicant or applicants;
   (C)   That said applicant is financially able to render taxicab service as petitioned for, together with a disclosure of resources and financial backing, including liabilities;
   (D)   That said applicant intends to and will, if issued a license to do so, run and operate such taxicabs as shall be necessary in such service. He shall aver that he owns and is the sole owner of certain described taxicabs, and that he intends to and will operate such taxicabs in such service;
   (E)   The age and experience in automobile operation and the residence of each of the proposed drivers of such taxicabs;
   (F)   The make, model, factory number, license number of the motor vehicle to be driven as a taxicab, and whether owned outright or under conditional sale purchase and if conditional sale contract, from whom purchased and by whom financed; and
   (G)   The location and address of the office of said person, persons, firm, or corporation.
('74 Code, § 112.04) (Ord. 1476, passed 2-15-60) Penalty, see § 112.99