Article VI
   The voters of the Municipality shall have the power to recall and remove from office the Mayor or any member of Council before the expiration of term of office. A recall may be started by the filing with the Clerk a petition signed by qualified voters equal in number to twenty-five (25) percent of those who cast ballots for Mayor in the last preceding municipal election, requesting that Mayor or Councilmember, named in the petition, be removed from office. The Clerk, if upon finding the petition sufficient, shall immediately certify to the Board of Elections of Montgomery County, to be placed on the ballot at the next succeeding municipal general, or primary election occurring not less than thirty (30) days thereafter, the question: "Shall (name of Mayor or Councilmember) be recalled from the office of (name of Office) in the Municipality of Union? Yes       No        ." If, at the election, a majority of the votes cast on the question shall be in favor of recall, the official shall forthwith be removed from office, and the resulting vacancy filled in a manner prescribed in the Charter. No recall petition shall be filed against an official during his first six months in office. If an official against whom a petition is filed is continued in office by the vote of the election, no further recall petitions may be filed against him/her for a period of one year. No more than three Councilmembers or no more than two Councilmembers and the Mayor may be subject to recall at anyone time and the Clerk shall not accept petitions which would cause the officials subject to recall to exceed said number.
   All petition papers circulated for the purpose of recall shall be uniform in size and style. The signatures to petitions need not all be appended to one paper, but to each separate part there shall be attached an affidavit the circulator that he/her personally circulated the petition, that it bears a stated number of signatures, that each signature was personally witnessed and believes them to be the genuine signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be. Each signature shall be in ink, or indelible pencil. Each signer shall insert name, place of residence, and date of signing. There shall appear on each copy of the petition the names and addresses of five voters who, as a committee of the petitioners shall be regarded as responsible to the municipality for the circulation and filing of the petition. This committee shall file a copy of the petition with the Clerk before any signatures are obtained.
   All separate papers comprising a recall petition shall be assembled and filed with the Clerk as a single instrument. Within twenty (20) days thereafter, the Clerk shall examine the petitions and determine their validity and sufficiency, and report to Council.
   In case any petition is found to be insufficient, the Clerk shall notify the committee of the petitioners and the petition may be amended within ten (10) days after the date of such notice. The Clerk shall, within five (5) days after such an amendment has been filed, reexamine the petition, and if it is still insufficient, the petition shall be rejected and no further action taken thereon.