(A)   All business licenses issued by the City are valid until December 31 of issuing year, unless issued to a temporary business and including an alternate expiration date on its face.
   (B)   A business license is not transferable. A licensee may not sell, assign or transfer a business license.
   (C)   A condition precedent to issuance of any license is the agreement of the applicant to reimburse the City for all expenses it incurred during litigation in connection with the City’s defense of claims, arising from the issuance of the license, or because of negligence in the performance of the work for which the license was issued.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful to:
      (1)   Engage in conduct prohibited by §§ 9.04.050 or 9.04.060;
      (2)   Engage in an activity in a manner or at a time or place contrary to a general or a special term or condition of the license;
      (3)   Engage in a regulated activity in a manner contrary to a term or condition established by the City Manager or the City Council by ordinance or regulation;
      (4)   Obtain or attempt to obtain a license by making a false statement in the application for the license, or by other dishonest or fraudulent means; or
      (5)   Forge, counterfeit or fraudulently alter a license required by this title.
(Am. Ord. 2006-15, passed 9-12-06)