   (A)   Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, an abbreviated plat procedure is established for a plat that will:
      (1)   Subdivide a single lot into not more than four lots or combine not more than two lots into one;
      (2)   Provide legal and physical access to a dedicated public highway or street for each lot created by the subdivision;
      (3)   Not contain or require a dedication of a street, right-of-way, or other area, excepting utility easements;
      (4)   Not require a vacation of a public dedication of land excepting utility easements; and
      (5)   Not require a variance from a subdivision regulation except utility systems lot service connections required by § 8.08.100(B).
   (B)   Notwithstanding provisions of this subsection, the abbreviated plat procedure and development are the same as provided for plats in §§ 8.08.070-8.08.100. The Platting Authority for the abbreviated plat procedure is vested in the Director of Planning. All approvals or denials of an abbreviated plat will be reported to the Board.
   (C)   Plats following the abbreviated plat procedure shall be exempt from the utility service connection requirements of § 8.08.100(B) if the following are met:
      (1)   The subdivider shall submit a utility service plan that shows proposed building locations on each lot and demonstrates how utility service lines could reasonably be provided to the proposed buildings without mainline or primary line extensions. No elements of the utility service plan shall be legally binding;
      (2)   The utility service plan shall be approved by the Director of Public Utilities; and
      (3)   The final plat shall include all easements necessary for the utility service plan.
(Ord. No. 2001-04, passed 5-8-01; Am. Ord. 2005-09, passed 4-26-05; Am. Ord. 2016-01, passed 1-26-16)
   (A)   A plat for a subdivision created by a government agency's acquisition of a street right-of-way is subject to approval by the Director of Planning acting as the Platting Authority.
   (B)   A right-of-way acquisition plat shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The location and name of the acquisition project;
      (2)   The dimensions and area of the acquired parcel;
      (3)   All utilities owned and operated by the City of Unalaska within the right-of-way;
      (4)   The names of the landowners of affected parcels; and
      (5)   Other applicable information as discussed in §§ 8.08.070-.100.
   (C)   The Department of Planning shall review the right-of-way acquisition plat for completeness. If the proposed plat does not meet the requirements of this section, it may be returned to the agency/applicant that submitted it with an explanation of its deficiencies.
   (D)   The Director of Planning shall act as the Platting Authority unless the government agency applying for plat approval requests a public hearing before the Board. All approvals or denials of a right-of-way acquisition plat shall be reported to the Board.
(Ord. No. 2001-04, passed 5-8-01; Am. Ord. 2005-09, passed 4-26-05)
§ 8.08.060 TIDELAND PLATS.
   (A)   A tideland plat which is to be recorded in the Aleutian Island Recording District is subject to review by the Platting Authority. Any proposed tideland plat is may be subject to review by the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Lands (DNR), to AS 38.05, to 11 AAC and to this section where the provisions of this section do not conflict with state requirements. The requirements for the survey of state-owned tidelands must be separately pursued with DNR and are not discussed in Title 8 UCO.
   (B)   Plat preparation is subject to the same procedures as outlined in § 8.08.070, “Platting Procedures.” Tideland plats shall also be in conformance with AS 40.15. A tideland plat shall also include, but is not limited to:
      (1)   Applicable requirements of §§ 8.08.070-.100;
      (2)   A fifty-foot access easement from Mean High Water (MHW) seaward with a note: “All easements from a fixed point to navigable or public waters extend to the water line, extending or shortening as the water advances or recedes”;
      (3)   A plat note reflecting tidal benchmark information or any other means of determining actual MHW;
      (4)   The separate tracking and delineation of tidelands from uplands when the survey includes uplands;
      (5)   In the title block, the original recorded tideland plat designation shall be used, but shall include the new tract designations of both the parent parcel and other newly created divisions; and
      (6)   The seaward boundary or Director's Line.
(Ord. No. 2001-04, passed 5-8-01; Am. Ord. 2005-09, passed 4-26-05)
   (A)   Preliminary plat. After a pre-application meeting, if desired, with the Department of Planning, the subdivider shall submit preliminary plats to the Department of Planning for review so that general agreement may be reached on the layout, arrangement, and design of streets and parcels before development begins and a final plat is prepared.
      (1)   Purpose. The purpose of the preliminary plat is:
         (a)   To allow the Department of Planning staff and other city staff the opportunity to make technical comments relative to the proposed development; and
         (b)   To examine compliance with state and city subdivision requirements.
      (2)   Size and quantity. The subdivider shall submit 14 preliminary plats plus one additional copy per landowner affected by the subdivision, unless otherwise determined by the Department of Planning. All plats shall be submitted on good-quality reproducible material at least 24 inches by 36 inches in size, but not greater than 30 inches by 42 inches in size. A scale of 100 feet to the inch or in equal 100 foot increments shall be used, unless a different scale is approved by the Department of Planning.
      (3)   Requirements. The following information shall be included in the preliminary plat submittal:
         (a)   A written application on forms provided by the Department of Planning;
         (b)   A certificate to plat as proof of ownership;
         (c)   Any variances to or relief sought towards subdivision improvements; and
         (d)   Copies of the proposed preliminary plat which shall show the following:
            1.   Title block;
            2.   Subdivision name, in accordance with the following standards:
               a.   Subdivision names should consider names representative of native history and reflective of the growth of our area and community;
               b.   Names shall not duplicate existing, approved subdivision names within the city or the Aleutian Island Recording District;
               c.   Subdivisions may not be named or designated so that any plat, subdivision or street within the city has a name sounding similar to or identical to the subdivision name;
               d.   Subdivision names beginning with the article “A”, “An” or “The” or the use of hyphens and other nonalphabetic characters shall not be permitted.
               e.   Subdivision names containing initials or abbreviations shall not be permitted;
               f.   The use of Roman numerals shall not be permitted in subdivision names;
               g.   When a subdivision shares a common border with a previously recorded plat and is considered a continuation of the same subdivision, the subdivision name shall appear first followed by “Phase” or “Addition”. Associated numbers after these terms shall be sequential;
               h.   Replats shall typically be named by the parent plat followed by “Replat #” where # is sequential numbering of replats in a plat.
            3.   Scale;
            4.   North arrow;
            5.   Date of survey;
            6.   Latest date of plat preparation;
            7.   Subdivider's name and address;
            8.   Surveyor's or other preparer's address;
            9.   Description of parcel being subdivided;
            10.    Sheet number;
            11.    Total area of proposed subdivision;
            12.    Vicinity map, showing the following:
               a.   Scale of one-inch equals one mile showing 20-square-mile area minimum;
               b.   Townships, ranges and sections; and
               c.   Principal road systems, major water bodies, mean high tide lines and/or watercourses, and location of proposed subdivisions;
            13.    Setback lines for each newly created lot;
            14.   Contour lines at two-foot intervals for each newly created lot;
            15.   The parent parcel from which the subdivision is being created;
            16.   Publicly dedicated right-of-ways, street names, patent reservations, road easements, section line easements and other easements or reservations of record within the proposed subdivision boundaries showing their location, dimensions, and purposes;
            17.   Adjacent property lines shown as dashed lines to show their general relation to the proposed plat;
            18.   Adjacent unsubdivided property and/or adjacent property's associated names and plat recordation numbers;
            19.   Location of existing facilities and structures within the proposed subdivision such as buildings, electric, sewerage and water systems, utility easements of record or in use, excavations, bridges, culverts, and wells;
            20.   The proposed location of streets, water, sanitary and storm sewers, drainage facilities, and other public improvements, uses, right-of-ways, and easements containing enough information and specifications to enable the Department of Planning to make a preliminary determination as to applicable city and State of Alaska standards;
            21.   Designation of proposed public areas;
            22.   Standard City of Unalaska plat notes regarding base zoning district requirements (minimum setbacks, maximum lot coverage and building height), drainage, utilities, travelway, encroachments, etc., which may be obtained from the Department of Planning.
            23.   If property is zoned Single-Family/Duplex, Moderate-Density Residential, or High Density Residential and if lots proposed are between 6,000 and 10,000 square feet, the following shall be included with the preliminary plat:
               a.   If determined by the Department of Public Works to be warranted due to the existing topography, a note shall be added to the plat that a minimum 9 foot by 20 foot approach shall be provided with a slope of 5% or less at the foot of the driveway. Anticipated locations of the approach shall be identified on the preliminary plat;
               b.   Parking areas shall be identified to indicate full compliance with § 8.12.170(K) Off-street parking requirements;
               c.   Drainage plan shall be provided if determined by the Department of Public Works to be necessary per § 8.08.100(B)(7) Drainage.
      (4)   Procedure.
         (a)   The subdivider shall submit all copies of the preliminary plat and plat application to the Department of Planning at least 60 days in advance of the preliminary plat public hearing.
         (b)   The Department of Planning shall solicit comments on the preliminary plat from the Department of Public Works and the Department of Public Utilities before taking action on the plat.
         (c)   The approval of a preliminary plat does not constitute approval of the subdivision, but only authorizes the applicant to proceed to prepare a final plat. Approval of a final plat may be given only after approval of the preliminary plat and only while the approval of the preliminary plat remains effective.
         (d)   Approval of a preliminary plat shall be for a period of 12 months, unless the associated final plat has been submitted to the Department of Planning for review and approval prior to the deadline. The Platting Authority may grant one extension of time not to exceed 12 months upon a finding that it is in the public interest to do so provided a written request for an extension together with the reasons why an extension is desired is submitted to the Department of Planning by the subdivider prior to the deadline. An updated Title Search/Certification to plat shall be submitted to the Department of Planning at the time an extension is requested.
   (B)   Final plat. After approval of the preliminary plat and compliance with any and all conditions on the approval of a preliminary plat, the subdivider shall submit a final plat for approval.
      (1)   Purpose. The purpose of final plat submittal is:
         (a)   To provide a final plat that meets the city platting requirements and Board conditions of preliminary plat approval; and
         (b)   To obtain final signatures of approval.
      (2)   Size and quality. All final plats shall be submitted on good-quality reproducible material at least 24 inches by 36 inches in size, but not greater than 30 inches by 42 inches in size. All lines and printing shall be made with non-fading black ink, using a scale of 100 feet to the inch or in equal 100 foot increments unless a different scale is approved by the Department of Planning. The use of typewritten transparent paste-on materials, such as Dulseal, is not acceptable. A good readable-quality reverse-reading direct-positive mylar photocopy at 100% scale is permissible. Reproductive mylars duplicated by ammonia process are not acceptable due to lack of definition, inferior reproductive capability, and short storage life.
      (3)   Requirements. The following information shall be included in the final plat submittal:
         (a)   The date, scale and north arrow;
         (b)   Basis of bearing must be shown with a direct tie to existing monumentation and area of the parcel or parcels being platted;
         (c)   A closure report, deed check or map check is required to be submitted to verify that the final plat closed mathematically. Acceptable Relative Positional Precision for a survey in Unalaska shall be in accordance with the precision standards as published in the current adopted “Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/ASCM (American Land Title Association/American Congress on Surveying and Mapping) Land Title Surveys.”
         (d)   Within the subdivision, the final plat shall show the center lines of all streets; lengths, tangents, radii, and central angles of all curves; the total width of the portion being dedicated; and the width of existing dedications; width of portions of streets each side of the center line; and the width of right-of-way, patent reserves, flood control, and drainage channels, and any other easements appearing on the plat;
         (e)   The width, bearing, and other data necessary to delineate all easements to which the lots are subject. If the easement is not shown on the plat, a statement referring to the easement shall appear on the plat. Easements for storm drains, sewers, utilities, and other purposes shall be denoted by broken lines;
         (f)   The exact boundaries of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use or for the common use of property owners. The purpose of the dedication or reservation shall be set forth on the plat;
         (g)   The exact locations, dimensions and areas of all vacation activities;
         (h)   All lot and block numbers. Sufficient data shall be shown to determine readily the bearing and distance of each line;
         (i)   All publicly dedicated right-of-ways and names of right-of-ways;
         (j)   The names, plat numbers, and lot numbers of adjacent subdivisions. If the adjacent land is not subdivided, it should be so noted on the plat;
         (k)   All distances shall be shown in feet and to the nearest one-hundredth foot, in accordance with the definition of a foot adopted by the United States Bureau of Standards. All measurements shall refer to the horizontal plane; and
         (l)   The course of every boundary line shown on the plat shall be indicated by a direct bearing reference. All bearings shown shall be given to the nearest degree, minute, and second of arc; and
         (m)   Face details of one primary and one typical monument set.
      (4)   Subdivision monumentation. Two exterior corners of the subdivision shall be permanently monumented with a primary monument which shall have a minimum 2-inch- diameter metal pipe at least 30 inches long with a flanged bottom and a minimum 2-1/2-inch cap and which must have magnetic qualities. Each subdivision shall have at least one new primary monument set at the time of survey. All block and lot corners, angle points, or curves, and any other intermediate points deemed necessary by the Platting Authority shall be monumented with a 5/8 × 30 rod with identifying cap firmly set. The faces of all monuments shall be, at a minimum, stamped and have the surveyor's registration number and the year set. Where the surface of the face of the monument is sufficient, other identifying information concerning the monument should be stamped upon it.
         (a)   One new primary monument set at time of survey shall also be identified per city coordinate system, except when mandated to be identified by NAD83, Alaska State Plane, Zone 10, U.S. foot coordinates or other systems per state or federal regulations, or as required by the Director of Planning.
         (b)   One monument within the subdivision shall show a tie to one of the existing city control monuments with a bearing and distance. A list of city control monuments is available from the Department of Planning.
         (c)   Surveyor shall field locate with city staff the primary monument(s) set.
      (5)   Certificates and affidavits. The following certificates and affidavits shall be placed on the final plat when submitted by the subdivider for approval:
         (a)   A notarized certificate from the owners of the subdivision stating ownership, acknowledging all dedications, and describing all easements for the purpose dedicated;
         (b)   A certificate by the surveyor attesting to the accuracy of the survey and the installation and correct location of all monuments required;
         (c)   A tax certificate from the city stating that all taxes levied against the property at that date have been paid;
         (d)   A guarantee of improvements if required public improvements have not been completed at the date of submittal of the final plat; and
         (e)   A Certificate of Approval from the city to be signed by the Platting Authority and attested by the City Clerk, and notarized.
      (6)   Procedure.
         (a)   The subdivider shall submit one mylar with the surveyor's signature, and owner's signature with proper notarization to the Department of Planning for approval. A final plat public hearing may be held at the discretion of the Director of Planning.
         (b)   Approval of a final plat shall be for a period of twelve months, provided, however, that the Platting Authority may grant an extension of time for filing the final plat upon a finding that it is in the public interest to do so.
         (c)   The Platting Authority shall approve, return to the subdivider for modification, or disapprove the final plat within sixty days of its submittal. The Platting Authority shall return a written copy of its decision to modify or disapprove the final submittal to the subdivider. The subdivider may consent to an extension of a period of action by the Board.
         (d)   All copies of any approved final plat shall be provided to the Department of Planning which shall file the original with the Aleutian Island Recording District. When conforming copies are returned, the city shall retain one copy for its records and return one copy to the landowner and two copies to the surveyor of record.
         (e)   Monumentation required by the Platting Authority and as shown on the final approved plat shall be set in the ground no later than 30 days after final approval is given and shall be field verified by the Department of Planning. If a plat is not accepted for recordation by the Aleutian Islands Recording District, and subsequent attempts at recordation fail, no monuments shall be set, or monumentation that is set shall be removed from the ground no later than 30 days from the date of the last denial of recordation. Where a plat applicant elects to withdraw a plat, any monuments already set must be pulled from the ground no later than 30 days from the date of plat withdrawal.
         (f)   An electronic version of the final plat in a format approved by the Platting Authority shall be provided to the Department of Planning at the time of mylar submittal.
   (C)   Alteration of plat or replat. Alteration of plat or replat petitions shall be submitted, heard, and determined as discussed in § 8.08.070 and as follows:
      (1)   Alteration or replat petition. A recorded plat may not be altered or replatted except by application of the owner(s) of the land(s) or a majority of the owners of the land which would be affected by the alteration or replat. A platted street may not be vacated except on petition of owners of a majority of the land fronting the part of the street sought to be vacated. The application shall be filed with the Department of Planning.
(Ord. No. 2001-04, passed 5-8-01; Am. Ord. 2005-09, passed 4-26-05; Am. Ord. 2012-07, passed 9-11-12)
   (A)   The title to a right-of-way or other public area vacated on a plat attaches to the lot or lands bordering on the area in equal proportions, except that if the area vacated was originally dedicated by different persons, original boundary lines shall be adhered to so that the area that lies on one side of the boundary line shall attach to the abutting property on that side and the area that lies on the other side of the boundary line shall attach to the property on that side. The portion of a vacated area that lies within the limits of a platted addition attaches to the lots of the platted addition bordering on the area. If a public square is vacated, the title to it vests in the city if it lies within the city. If the property vacated is a lot or tract, title vests in the rightful owner.
   (B)   If the city acquired the right-of-way or other public area vacated for legal consideration or by express dedication to and acceptance by the city other than as a subdivision platting requirement, before the final act of vacation the fair market value of the area shall be deposited with the city.
(Ord. No. 2001-04, passed 5-8-01; Am. Ord. 2005-09, passed 4-26-05)
   (A)   General. The proposed subdivision shall conform to:
      (1)   The provisions of AS 29.40 and AS 40.15;
      (2)   Title 8 UCO; and
      (3)   The Comprehensive Plan.
   (B)   Streets.
      (1)   General.
         (a)   The streets shall be designed and located in relation to existing and planned streets, topographical conditions, and natural terrain features (such as streams and existing growth), public convenience, and safety and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets.
         (b)   Street right-of-ways shall be wide enough to provide for the present travel surfaces, future road expansion, sidewalks, and access for installation and maintenance of street drainage facilities or other utilities.
         (c)   Construction of all streets shall conform to the standard specifications as established by the “City of Unalaska Standard Specifications for Construction of Streets.” This includes, but is not limited to grades, vertical and horizontal sight distances, tangents, and intersection designs.
         (d)    Right-of-ways shall not have permanent structures built upon them by property owners.
      (2)   Types of streets.
         (a)   Arterial streets shall be properly integrated with the existing and proposed system of arterial streets and highways. The arterial street shall have a minimum sixty-foot width with a minimum travel surface of forty feet unless otherwise specified by the Platting Authority;
         (b)   Collector streets shall be properly related to specific traffic generated by such uses as schools, churches, small shopping areas, population centers, and the access to arterial streets. Collector streets shall have a minimum fifty-foot width with a minimum travel surface of forty feet unless otherwise specified by the Platting Authority;
         (c)   Minor streets, including cul-de-sacs, shall be laid out to conform as much as possible to topography, to discourage use by through-traffic, to provide the minimum amount of street necessary to provide convenient, safe access to residential lots, and to provide an efficient route for utility systems. Minor streets shall have a minimum forty-foot width with a minimum travel surface of twenty-four to thirty-six feet unless otherwise specified by the Platting Authority;
         (d)   Alleys should be used only in commercial areas for delivery and services. Alleys may be used in residential areas when approved by the Board. Alleys shall have a twenty-foot width with a travel surface of sixteen to twenty feet unless otherwise specified by the Platting Authority.
         (e)   Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum rights-of-way width of 40 feet, leading to a cul-de-sac turn-around with a minimum radius of 50 feet.
      (3)   Half-streets. Where a street is adjacent to a subdivision, the other half of that street shall be dedicated by the subdivider. No half streets within new subdivisions shall be allowed, unless specifically approved by the Board.
      (4)   Crosswalks. Pedestrian crosswalks not less than fifteen-feet wide may be required by the Board where deemed necessary to provide for pedestrian access to schools, shopping centers, and playgrounds, or other community facilities.
      (5)   Street names. See Chapter 15.08 “Street Names.”
   (C)   Blocks. The length, width, and shape of blocks shall be such as are appropriate for the topography, locality, and type of development.
   (D)   Lots.
      (1)   General. The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision and for the type of development and use contemplated.
      (2)   Dimensions.
         (a)   Lot dimensions shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 8.12, “Zoning,” provided that no lot shall be less than 10,000 square feet in area. If requirements identified in § 8.08.070(A)(3)(d) have been addressed, residential lots less than 10,000 square feet but greater than 6,000 square feet may be permitted. See Chapter 8.12 for lot size requirements in different districts.
         (b)   Lots shall be designed with a suitable proportion between width and depth. Long and narrow, or wide and shallow lots are undesirable. Normal depth shall not exceed 2 1/2 times width, or be less than 85 feet. Width of all lots shall not be less than 60 feet. See Chapter 8.12, “Zoning,” for lot dimension requirements in different districts.
         (c)   Lots laid out for commercial or industrial purposes shall be adequate to provide for the off-street service and parking facilities required by the type of development.
         (d)   No lots, tracts, or parcels shall be created or designed which would create any non-conforming setbacks as they relate to any physical improvements which are subject to setback, building separation, or other dimensional provisions.
      (3)   Corner lots. Corner lots should be large enough to allow full setback of buildings from both streets as required.
      (4)   Access. Every lot shall front or abut on a publicly dedicated street.
      (5)   Lot lines. Side lines of lots shall be substantially at right angles or radial to the side of the streets.
      (6)   Lot remnants. All remnants of lots left over after subdividing of a large tract must be added to adjacent lots or right-of-way rather than be allowed to remain as unusable parcels.
      (7)   Buffer zones and greenbelts. Buffer zones and/or greenbelts may be required by the Platting Authority.
(Ord. No. 2001-04, passed 5-8-01; Am. Ord. 2005-09, passed 4-26-05; Am. Ord. 2012-07, passed 9-11-12)