The pay plan shall include the schedule of pay for all classes of positions in the classification plans. The percentage amount of any pay increases to be provided to any regular full time employee whose performance merits an increase in pay shall be determined solely by the City Council and shall be accomplished if at all, only by adoption of a non-code ordinance at the time the annual budget ordinance is adopted. Each year at the time the annual budget is initially presented to the City Council, the City Manager shall prepare a written review of the overall economic conditions of the city and projected economic conditions for the coming year. Said written review shall also contain information regarding the annual inflation rate for Anchorage for the previous year and any actual or anticipated increase in health insurance premiums and shall make a specific recommendation as to whether the existing economic conditions allow the city to provide a general merit increase to city employees whose job performance merits an increase in pay during the upcoming fiscal year.
(Am. Ord. 99-01, passed 3-9-99)
   The objectives of the plan are:
   (A)   To provide an appropriate salary structure to recruit and retain an adequate supply of competent employees.
   (B)   To provide appropriate pay incentives for productivity and quality.