This chapter shall not apply to represented employees or employees who have not successfully completed the probationary period at the time of the alleged action or omission, or to disputes involving a performance evaluation. Section 3.36.020 shall not apply to employees who have received a pre-disciplinary hearing.
(Am. Ord. 2019-10, passed 9-10-19)
Any employee having a problem regarding employment shall first discuss the problem with the immediate supervisor. If the problem is not settled, and it can be defined as a grievance as set forth in § 3.04.010(S), the employee has the right to present a grievance in accordance with the procedures and within the time limits set forth in this chapter. The time limits set forth in this chapter may be extended in writing by mutual agreement of the parties.
(A) Step I. The aggrieved employee shall discuss the grievance with their immediate supervisor. If the grievance cannot be resolved informally through discussion, it shall then be reduced to writing as a formal grievance, and the written grievance shall be submitted to the Department Director. The written grievance must be submitted within ten calendar days of the date that the employee knows or has reason to know of the conduct or actions upon which the grievance is based. Failure to notify the city within this time limit shall constitute a bar to further action on the alleged grievance. The written grievance shall describe the actions or omissions that are alleged to constitute improper conduct by the city and shall indicate the rule or rules that have allegedly been misapplied, misinterpreted or violated by the city.
(B) Step II. Upon receipt of a written grievance, a Department Director shall notify the City Manager and Human Resources Manager and within 14 calendar days, respond in writing to the employee. If the Department Director fails to respond to the employee’s written grievance within this time limit, the grievance shall proceed to Step IV without further action of the employee.
(C) Step III. Upon receipt of the Department Director’s response, the employee shall have 14 calendar days to appeal the decision in writing to the City Manager. If the employee fails to appeal the Department Director’s decision within this time limit, such failure to respond shall serve to declare the grievance as settled based upon the Department Director’s decision.
(D) Step IV. Within 14 calendar days of receipt of a written appeal of the decision of the Department Director, the City Manager or designee, shall review the matter and respond in writing to the employee’s grievance.
(E) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent settlement of a grievance by mutual agreement of the parties at any time.
(Am. Ord. 2019-10, passed 9-10-19)