A permit application may only be initiated by the record property owner or contract purchaser, the city council, or the planning commission. The city will not accept an application without the signed authorization from all record owners. (Ord. 766, 12-6-2011)
A. All permit applications shall be submitted on a form provided by the city, along with all necessary supporting documentation and information sufficient to demonstrate compliance with all applicable approval criteria and standards, and the appropriate fee. The applicant has the burden of demonstrating, with evidence, that all approval criteria and standards are, or can be, met. (Ord. 688, 6-15-1999)
B. A complete application includes all the materials listed in this section and any specific information requested for a particular permit. The city administrator may waive the submission of any of the materials if not deemed to be applicable to the specific review sought. Likewise, within thirty (30) days of submission of the application, the city administrator may require additional information beyond that listed in this subsection, such as a traffic impact analysis (TIA) pursuant to requirements in section 10-11-10 of this title or other study prepared by an appropriate expert. The applicant is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the application and all supporting documentation. (Ord. 766, 12-6-2011)
1. A completed city application form that includes:
a. An accurate legal description, tax account number(s), map number, and street location of all properties that are the subject of the application.
b. Name, address, telephone number, and authorized signature(s) of all record property owners or contract owners, and the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant, if different from the property owner(s).
2. A complete list of all city permit approvals sought by the applicant in this application.
3. A complete and detailed narrative describing the proposed development, existing site conditions, public facilities and services, natural features including wetlands and steep slopes, a discussion of the approval criteria and standards for all permits explaining how the criteria and standards are, or can be, met, and any other information indicated by the city at the preapplication conference as being required. (Ord. 688, 6-15-1999)
4. A site plan or plans and a vicinity map, drawn to scale. The site plan shall include at least the following features, along with any other information necessary to understand the proposal: (Ord. 766, 12-6-2011)
a. Dimensions of the site and all structures, existing and proposed.
b. Existing conditions, including topography and any other physical features such as vegetation, wetlands, watercourses, slopes, etc. (Ord. 688, 6-15-1999)
c. Rights of way abutting the site, whether public or private, and access to the site. In the I-82/U.S. 730 interchange area management plan (IAMP) management area, proposed access shall be consistent with the access management plan in the IAMP (section 7). (Ord. 766, 12-6-2011)
d. Locations and sizes of all public utilities, existing and proposed, on and in the vicinity of the site.
e. Locations, dimensions, and purposes of all recorded easements.
f. Size of areas (in square feet) and percentages of the total site area devoted to structures, parking, landscaping, open space, dedication of right of way, and any other proposed feature.
g. Proposed landscaping plan, including size, species, and location of plants or other elements.
h. Parking plan.
i. Detail of screening and fencing.
j. Exterior lighting, including location, type, height, and areas of illumination.
k. Service areas for trash collection, mail delivery, etc.
5. The applicant shall provide the city with up to twenty (20) copies of all reports, plans, site plans, and other documents required by this section. The number of copies will be determined at the preapplication conference. One copy of all plans and maps reduced to eight and one-half inches by eleven inches (81/2" x 11") or eleven inches by seventeen inches (11" x 17"), and suitable for reproduction.
6. All required application fees. (Ord. 688, 6-15-1999)