A. Purpose: The purpose of this section is to implement section 660-012-0045(2)(e) of the State Transportation Planning Rule that requires the City to adopt a process to apply conditions to specified land use proposals in order to minimize adverse impacts to and protect transportation facilities. This section establishes the standards for when a proposal must be reviewed for potential traffic impacts; when a Traffic Impact Analysis must be submitted with an application in order to determine whether conditions are needed to minimize impacts to and protect transportation facilities; what must be in a Traffic Impact Analysis; and who is qualified to prepare the analysis.
B. Applicability: A Traffic Impact Analysis shall be required to be submitted to the City with a land use application, when the following conditions apply:
1. The application involves one or more of the following actions:
a. A change in zoning or plan amendment designation; or
b. The proposal is projected to cause one or more of the following effects, which can be determined by field counts, site observation, traffic impact analysis or study, field measurements, crash history, Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual; and information and studies provided by the local reviewing jurisdiction and/or ODOT:
(1) An increase in site traffic volume generation by two hundred fifty (250) average daily trips (ADT) or more (or as required by the City Engineer). The latest edition of the Trip Generation Manual, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) shall be used as standards by which to gauge average daily vehicle trips; or
(2) An increase in use of adjacent streets by vehicles exceeding the twenty thousand (20,000) pound gross vehicle weight by ten (10) vehicles or more per day; or
(3) The location of the access driveway does not meet minimum intersection sight distance requirements, or is located where vehicles entering or leaving the property are restricted, or vehicles queue or hesitate, creating a safety hazard; or
(4) The location of the access driveway does not meet the access spacing standard of the roadway on which the driveway is located; or
(5) A change in internal traffic patterns that may cause safety problems, such as backup onto the highway or traffic crashes in the approach area.
C. Traffic Impact Analysis Requirements:
1. Preparation: A Traffic Impact Analysis shall be prepared by an Oregon registered professional engineer that is qualified to perform traffic engineering analysis and will be paid for by the applicant.
2. Transportation Planning Rule Compliance: See section 10-13-3, "Amendments To The Zoning Text Or Map", of this title.
3. Pre-Application Conference: The applicant will meet with the Umatilla Public Works Director and Planning Director prior to submitting an application that requires a Traffic Impact Analysis. The City has the discretion to determine the required elements of the TIA and the level of analysis expected. The City shall also consult the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) on analysis requirements when the site of the proposal is adjacent to or otherwise affects a State roadway.
D. Approval Criteria: When a Traffic Impact Analysis is required, approval of the proposal requires satisfaction of the following criteria:
1. Traffic Impact Analysis was prepared by an Oregon registered professional engineer qualified to perform traffic engineering analysis;
2. If the proposed action shall cause a significant effect pursuant to the Transportation Planning Rule, or other traffic hazard or negative impact to a transportation facility, the Traffic Impact Analysis shall include mitigation measures that meet the City's level-of-service and/or volume/capacity standards and are satisfactory to the City Engineer, and ODOT when applicable; and
3. The proposed site design and traffic and circulation design and facilities, for all transportation modes, including any mitigation measures, are designed to:
a. Have the least negative impact on all applicable transportation facilities;
b. Accommodate and encourage non-motor vehicular modes of transportation to the extent practicable;
c. Make the most efficient use of land and public facilities as practicable;
d. Provide the most direct, safe and convenient routes practicable between on-site destinations, and between on-site and off-site destinations; and
e. Otherwise comply with applicable requirements of this Code.
E. Conditions Of Approval: The City may deny, approve, or approve a proposal with appropriate conditions.
1. Where the existing transportation system is shown to be impacted by the proposed action, dedication of land for streets, transit facilities, sidewalks, bikeways, paths, or accessways may be required to ensure that the transportation system is adequate to handle the additional burden caused by the proposed action.
2. Where the existing transportation system is shown to be impacted by the proposed action, improvements such as paving, curbing, installation or contribution to traffic signals, construction of sidewalks, bikeways, accessways, paths, or streets that serve the proposed action may be required. (Ord. 830, 8-7-2018)