The Mayor is authorized to make minor purchases of supplies and services from merchants and suppliers locally, irrespective of the fact that the owner, partner, stockholders or employees of the seller may be an appointee or an employee of the Municipality, subject to the following restrictions hereinafter set forth, if in his opinion it is more expedient and economical to do so, taking into account the travel time and transportation costs.
(a) Such purchases herein authorized shall be made only if the item or service needed cannot be obtained from another local merchant or supplier upon like terms and conditions.
(b) The purchases herein authorized shall not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) at any one time and shall not exceed an annual total of one thousand dollars ($1,000) from any one merchant or supplier.
(c) The purchases herein authorized shall not under any circumstances be made from any establishment in which any elected official of the Municipality has a direct or indirect financial interest.
(Ord. 17-1960. Passed 3-9-60.)
(Ord. 17-1960. Passed 3-9-60.)