The Planning Commission shall have all powers to consider the following matters:
      1.   Land use and other zoning regulations;
      2.   Location, or vacation of public buildings, thoroughfares, public ways and open spaces;
      3.   Public and private utilities; planning of developments and sub-division of land;
      4.   Comprehensive and Master Planning;
      5.   Such other powers as are now or may hereafter be conferred upon it by Council.
   All matters before Council pertaining to zoning or land use shall be referred to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation. No matter so referred which receives a negative report and/or recommendation shall be enacted by Council unless it shall receive votes of five (5) members of Council. Any matter so referred which does not receive a recommendation or report within sixty (60) days shall be deemed to have received an affirmative recommendation.
   Any action by the Planning Commission may be nullified by vote of five (5) Councilmembers taken within thirty (30) days of such action by the Commission.
(Amended November 7, 1989)