The Department of Public Works shall consist of the Division of Public Service and Wastewater Treatment Division, for which Council shall provide, and of such other divisions and staffing as Council may provide.
   The Director of Public Works shall:
   A.   Manage and administer when established, the municipal utility undertakings of the City; promulgate such bylaws and regulations as (s)he deems necessary for the safe, economical and efficient management and protection of such utilities, which bylaws and regulations, when approved by Council, shall be enforced as ordinances if not in conflict with other ordinances or this Charter or the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and otherwise perform the functions and duties of the Board of Public Affairs of the City except as may be provided otherwise by the Charter.
   B.   Supervise the improvements, maintenance and repair of City streets, alleys, lanes, sidewalks, culverts, sewers, ditches, drains and bridges and water courses, the removal and disposal of rubbish and garbage, and the lighting and cleaning of streets and other public places.
   C.   Supervise the construction and maintenance of public buildings and other property of the City.
      (Amended November 7, 2000)