A.   When the Mayor is temporarily unable for any cause or reason to perform the Mayor's duties, the President of Council shall become the Acting Mayor, but shall not thereby cease to be Councilmember.
   B.   In the event the Office of Mayor shall become vacant for any reason, the President of Council shall thereupon become the Acting Mayor and serve for the unexpired term if such term is not in excess of six (6) months, or shall serve until the filling of such vacancy by the electorate of the City as set forth in Section D below, but shall not thereby cease to be a Councilmember. If the President of Council is unable or unwilling to serve as Acting Mayor, the Vice President of Council shall thereupon become Acting Mayor and serve for the unexpired term if such term is not in excess of six (6) months, or shall serve until the filling of such vacancy by the electorate of the City as set forth in Section D below, but shall not cease to be a Councilmember.
   C.   When neither the President or Vice President of Council is available or willing for any reason to perform the duties as Acting Mayor, then Council, by a vote of the majority of all members of Council, shall elect one of their members to serve as Acting Mayor and such member shall serve for the unexpired term if such term is not in excess of six (6) months, or shall serve until the filling of such vacancy by the electorate of the City as set forth in Section D below, but shall not cease to be a Councilmember.
   D.   In the event of a vacancy in the office of Mayor, and the unexpired term of the Mayor is in excess of six (6) months, the office of Mayor shall be filled by the electorate of the City at an election. The election to fill the vacancy in the office of the Mayor for the remainder of the unexpired term shall be held at either the next Primary Election or the next General Election, whichever comes first, after the expiration of ninety (90) days after the vacancy occurs.
   E.   In the event that any individual becomes the Acting Mayor as a result of vacancy in the office of Mayor, such Acting Mayor shall be entitled to be compensated in the same capacity as if he/she was duly elected to the position. Any Councilmember that accepts the position of Acting Mayor shall be permitted to do so in a part-time capacity at the pro rata compensation rate as if he/she was full-time. However, anyone serving in the capacity of Acting Mayor shall only be entitled to compensation as Acting Mayor and not councilmember. This provision shall not apply to any temporary absence or incapacity of the Mayor as contemplated in Section "A" above.
      (Amended May 8, 1984; November 4, 2014; November 6, 2018)