(a)   FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. A business operation that prepares and serves food and/or beverage items for sale for human consumption on or off the premises.
   (b)   MOBILE FOOD VEHICLE. A motorized or bicycle powered vehicle or trailer equipped to enable the cooking or preparation of food items for consumption. "Food" shall include cooked or processed items, previously prepared, packaged or prepared on site, ice, beverages (hot or cold), or any ingredient intended for use or sale in whole or part for human consumption. This definition includes, but is not limited to, mobile food kitchens, pushcart vendors, bicycle cart vendors, mobile food trucks, canteen trucks, and coffee vehicles. This definition does not apply to "meals on wheels" program vehicles or home food delivery services.
   (c)   MOBILE FOOD VENDOR. Any person who sells or offers for sale food from a pushcart, bike cart, trailer or motorized vehicle equipped to enable the cooking or preparation of food items for consumption by customers. "Food" shall include cooked or processed items, previously prepared, packaged or prepared on site, ice, beverages (hot or cold), or any ingredient intended for use or sale in whole or part for human consumption.
   (d)   SPECIAL EVENT. A planned, organized, promoted or advertised gathering in response to an event or celebration occurring on public or private property where individuals or groups of individuals are encouraged to attend at a specific time and specific location for social interaction, entertainment or commercial activity (ex.: festival, benefit, grand opening, etc.).
   (e)   MOBILE FOOD VEHICLE VENDOR PERMIT. Mobile Food Vendors anticipating to operate within the City of Twinsburg during the course of the calendar year may pay a one-time fee in accordance with the required application and inspection requirements to be pre-approved for the year. (Ord. 17-2021. Passed 3-23-21.)