A permit to allow a donation box to be placed and used on designated
real property shall be issued by the Building Commissioner after inspection and verification that the following conditions are satisfied:
   (a)   The person receiving a permit to place or maintain a donation box is registered to operate in the State of Ohio as a non-profit corporation or has proof of a written agreement to solicit on behalf of such a non-profit corporation.
   (b)   The real property owner provides written authorization allowing the donation box on the property.
   (c)   The permit holder agrees to be responsible for collecting the contents of the donation box in order to prevent overflow and littering.
   (d)   No more than two (2) donation boxes may be permitted for placement on any one lot.
   (e)   No donation box shall exceed 90 cubic feet in size.
   (f)   Each donation box shall clearly indicate in writing on the side of each box that all donations must fit into and be placed within the donation box.
   (g)   The permit holder placing or maintaining the donation box shall display current contact information including street address and phone number on the donation box. Said information must be readable and clearly visible to the public.
   (h)   Each donation box shall be screened from the nearest public street or right-of-way for which it is adjacent. If a donation box is located on a corner lot, the box shall be screened on a minimum of two sides. Minimum screening shall consist of a wood fence or other material approved by the Building Commissioner. The height of the screen shall be a minimum of one foot higher than the box height. All screening shall be constructed to prevent the storage or placement of donations outside the donation box, with the screening fence itself being no more than two feet (2') from the screened donation box.
   (i)   Each donation box shall be constructed from metal material.
   (j)   Each donation box shall be painted one solid color.
      (Ord. 56-2018. Passed 5-22-18.)