(a)   The Mayor and staff shall review the development proposal of the property owner and shall meet and negotiate with the property owner regarding appropriate development of the property and the terms and conditions on which said property should be developed as the Mayor shall deem appropriate and necessary for the protection of the public interest. At such time as the property owner and Mayor have reached a tentative agreement as to the terms and conditions of a Development Agreement, or the Mayor deems that no further negotiations would be useful because of the unlikely possibility of reaching a concurrence on terms and conditions of a Development Agreement, the Mayor shall report the status of such negotiations to the City Council. Such tentative agreement shall not give rise to any development rights, or equitably or legally vest any development rights in the property owner.
   (b)   In the event the Mayor and the property owner have negotiated terms of a mutually acceptable Development Agreement, the essential terms of that Development Agreement shall be presented in an outline form to City Council. City Council shall review the same and shall, if it determines to proceed further with completion of the Development Agreement by a majority vote, direct the City Law Director to reduce the said development terms to contractual form for further consideration by the City Council. This direction shall in no manner whatsoever obligate the City Council to ultimately approve a Development Agreement, or to approve any of the matters outlined to it by the Mayor as to any specific term or condition.
   (c)   In the event the Mayor and the property owner have not negotiated a mutually satisfactory Development Agreement, the Mayor shall so notify the Council, and, the Development Agreement process as to the particular land, shall be concluded unless by a concurring vote of a majority of Council votes to continue. A further Development Agreement application on the same property may be submitted no sooner than one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days from the date of the Mayor's notification to Council that the previous Development Agreement application was terminated for failure to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement, or the City Council has concluded consideration of the Development Agreement, whichever is later.
(Ord. 173-2000. Passed 12-17-00.)