The provisions of Chapter 1170 shall be applicable to all properties and buildings having "historic significance" and other properties in "proximity" thereto within the City.
   (a)   Historic Significance. Historic significance shall be considered with respect to both the intrinsic value of subject property and its value in contributing to the character of an area. Specifically, a building, other structure or site, shall be deemed historically significant if it is at least fifty years in age and either:
      (1)   Embodies the distinguishing characteristics of architectural style associated with the history of the City or region; or
      (2)   Is representative of the work of a notable architect or builder; or
      (3)   Is identified with important persons or events in the history or prehistory of the City or region.
   (b)   Proximity. "Proximity" shall be considered in terms of the potential for one property, by virtue of its location, to materially affect other properties. Of particular relevance are effects on property values, business activity, and the general quality of community life. In accessing the likelihood of such effects, the Architectural Review Board shall consider the degree to which the subject property is "perceptually linked" to properties of historic or prehistoric significance. Such linkages shall be considered with respect to one or more of the following factors:
      (1)   The visibility of the subject property from historically significant properties;
      (2)   The visibility of properties from a common point; and/or
      (3)   The location of properties within a relatively compact network of streets, walkways or spaces.
No building or other structure of historic significance in the City shall be erected, altered in exterior construction or appearance, enlarged, moved or demolished unless such action complies with the provisions of this chapter. However, the repainting of existing buildings and structures shall not be governed by these regulations.
   (c)   Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings:
      (1)   A "Certificate of Appropriateness" means a certificate issued by the Architectural Review Board indicating that a proposed environmental change, alteration, or demolition within or to an historic site of structure is in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
      (2)   "Demolition" means the substantial deterioration or complete or substantial removal or destruction of any historic structure or any structure located within an historic district or site.
         (Ord. 173-2000. Passed 12-17-00.)