(a)   No building, structure, or premises shall be used, erected, altered, intended, or designed as a public garage, automobile repair shop, motor fuel station or car wash within five hundred feet (500') of any schools, public playground, church, hospital, public library, park or picnic area or institution for dependents or for children, nor shall such structure be erected within five hundred feet (500') of any such institution in the same block front. Such enterprise shall not have an entrance or exit within sixty feet (60') of any residential district within the same block front.
   (b)   Such facilities shall be located at the extremity of the business district so as not to interfere with the pedestrian interchange between stores in the district and provided further, that it would not limit expansion of the pedestrian-oriented facilities.
   (c)   No use herein included shall be erected or constructed on a lot of less than the required area or width for the district in which it is proposed.
   (d)   No more than two (2) driveway approaches shall be permitted directly from any thoroughfare and shall not exceed thirty feet (30') in width at the property line.
   (e)   If the property fronts on two or more streets, the driveways shall be located as far from the street intersection as practicable, and no driveway shall be located within forty feet (40') of a street intersection.
   (f)   The plans shall include the hard surfacing of all driveways and parking areas.
   (g)   At least a six-inch (6") high pedestrian safety curb shall be installed along all street right-of-way lines except at driveway approaches.
   (h)   No pump shall be located less than twenty feet (20') from any pedestrian sidewalk.
   (i)   The station shall be of modern fireproof construction and shall contain provision for lavatories for men and women, separated by soundproof walls.
   (j)   No motor vehicles, accessories or parts shall be stored, kept or maintained outside the main building except that tires, propane tanks and ice may be stored in metal, fireproof enclosures; such enclosures shall not be used as billboards and signs thereon shall identify their contents only in a size to be approved by the Architectural Review Board under the provisions of this Code.
   (k)   Used tires shall be stored in an area at the rear of the station which is screened from the public view and no refuse or litter shall be open upon the property except in closed, metal containers provided with enclosures as approved by the Planning Commission.
   (l)   No such use shall remain open for business unless the owners, proprietor or his employee is on the premises.
   (m)   In gasoline service stations, auto repairs of a minor nature are permitted to be performed on vehicles and trucks, the latter not exceeding one-ton rating, including motor service, replacement of parts, providing that replacement of such parts does not require the disassembling or removal of the majority of the engine, the transmission, the rear axle or differential; and that no body work, painting or upholstering shall be permitted, and that gasoline is also pumped on the premises.
   (n)   All activities, except the sale of gasoline and oil, dispensing of air, and other activities which are reasonable and necessary at the pump services, shall be carried out entirely within the building.
   (o)   Parking.
      (1)   Any rental vehicle(s), whether trailers or self-propelled, shall be housed under roof behind the building setback line(s).
      (2)   Only two motor vehicles per service bay shall be stored on the premises outside of the building except vehicles actually needed in the furtherance of the business (excluding rental vehicles, towing truck, etc.).
      (3)   No vehicles may be parked in front of the front building set-back line except while being serviced at pump islands.
   (p)   Abandonment. An abandoned service station is presumed to be a nuisance affecting or endangering surrounding property values and detrimental to public health, safety, convenience, etc. and shall be abated. An "abandoned station" is defined to be one which is not in operation for at least ninety (90) consecutive days provided further that the casual or intermittent use of such station during the ninety (90) day period shall not prevent enforcement of this section. Upon sixty (60) days' notice from the City, the owner shall abate the abandoned condition by:
      (1)   Placing the station in operation; or
      (2)   Adapting or using the building for another permitted use; or
      (3)   Razing the service station structure, removing pumps, signs, underground tanks and restoring the land to conform to adjoining grades.
      (4)   Barriers shall be constructed to prevent access for parking.
   (q)   Inoperative Stations. Inoperative stations must be maintained according to the Code:
      (1)   Owner must cut all grass, remove all rubbish and weeds; and
      (2)   Parking of motor vehicles is prohibited and a sign to such effect must be placed on the premises.
      (3)   All windows must be boarded to provide maximum safety and prevent detrimental effects upon the neighborhood.
      (4)   All advertising and identification signs shall be removed.
         (Ord. 173-2000. Passed 12-17-00.)