The developer of any parcel of land zoned PUD for which a preliminary plan has been recommended by the Commission and approved by Council may prepare and submit a final subdivision plan of the planned unit development. The final subdivision plan shall contain and be accompanied by the following:
   (a)   A plat of the development area showing the street right of way, subdivided and common land, areas reserved for single family cluster use, and easements, in accordance with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations, which shall be in form for recording;
   (b)   Detailed plans and specifications for all streets, sidewalks, storm and sanitary sewers, water mains, street illumination, grading and all other site features of the development area or that portion of the development area to be developed, designed in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations;
   (c)   A detailed landscape plan showing all existing site features to remain, recreation facilities, and the landscape treatment of all common open space areas within the development area.
   (d)   The final form of covenants running with the land, deed restrictions (including the use of common land), covenants, restrictions or easements to be recorded, declaration of covenants, restrictions and bylaws of a homeowners association and its incorporation, declaration of condominium ownership and other covenants, if any, for maintenance.
      (Ord. 87-1989. Passed 7-11-89.)