(a)   The keeping of livestock shall be permitted, provided:
      (1)   The area of the lot upon which they are kept is not less than two (2) acres for one (1) livestock, and on an additional one (1) acre for each livestock.
      (2)   A corral, stable or farm building is provided to retain such animals. Such stable or farm building must conform to accessory building standards. For size see Section 1153.04(c). The building height of such structure shall not exceed twenty feet (20').
      (3)   The stable or corral, exclusive of perimeter fence, in which livestock is kept, shall be located not less than twenty feet (20') behind the building setback, seventy-five feet (75') from any side or rear lot line except where said lot line abuts a park, and five hundred feet (500') from any existing dwelling on an adjacent separately owned lot.
      (4)   The corral shall be screened from the street by a landscaped screen or by the building itself.
      (5)   The stable or corral shall be located so as not to cause a health hazard and shall be not less than one hundred feet (100') from any stream or three hundred feet (300') from any well.
         (Ord. 72-2008. Passed 11-4-08.)