(a)   Restaurants and taverns including outdoor dining and service.
   (b)   Residential townhouses, condominiums and apartments.
   (c)   Professional offices.
   (d)   Drug stores.
   (e)   Medical offices and clinics
   (f)   Food sales.
   (g)   Retail sales of general merchandise.
   (h)   Retail sales of apparel and shoes.
   (i)   Novelty stores.
   (j)   Antiques stores.
   (k)   Book stores, card shops, stationary stores.
   (l)   Hardware store.
   (m)   Jewelry stores.
   (n)   Art galleries, art supply stores.
   (o)   Banks, savings and loans and commercial lending institutions.
   (p)   Dry cleaning, beauty shops, boutiques.
   (q)   Tailor, dressmaker.
   (r)   Preparation and processing of food and drink to be retailed on the premises including bakery, meat market, confectionery restaurant, ice cream parlor, coffee shops and similar establishments.
   (s)   Museums, exhibit halls.
   (t)   Post-secondary educational uses and training centers including colleges, trade schools, technical schools, language institutes, personal development and counseling facilities where students receive career and skills training in an indoor classroom, laboratory or studio setting, whether operated by a private or public institution.
   (u)   Off-street parking and private parking garage or lot.
      (Ord. 73-2013. Passed 7-9-13.)
   (v)   Yoga studio. (Ord. 72-2013. Passed 5-14-12.)
   (w)   Pet grooming. (Ord. 55-2020. Passed 7-15-20.)