(a)   An accessory building attached to the principal building, on a lot, shall be made structurally a part thereof, and shall comply in all respects with the requirements of this Ordinance applicable to the principal building.
   (b)   All screened or enclosed patios attached to the main structure and all screened or enclosed porches or any addition to the main structure shall have foundation and wall requirements the same as set forth for one and two story dwellings.
   (c)   One separate accessory building, other than a detached private garage, not exceeding 120 square feet may be permitted on a single family residential lot.
   Any accessory building or detached garage shall be located not less than 20 feet from the main building and not less than 20 feet from any dwelling on an adjacent residential lot. It shall not project into a front or into a side yard. An accessory building may, however, be located in a rear yard but not less than 5 feet from a rear or side lot line.
   On corner lots, an accessory building shall be set back from the side street line not less than the required setback for the adjacent main building of the butt lot plus an additional 5 feet.
Accessory buildings shall not be permitted in R-5 and R-6 Districts as an accessory use to a cluster or apartment dwelling.