(a) Upon arrival, the person who wishes to address Council must sign in and state topic with the Clerk of Council.
(b) Person will be given the opportunity to speak in the order of signing in.
(c) The person addressing Council must first state their name and address before addressing Council.
(d) Persons will speak on issue that they state on sign on sheet.
(e) Persons granted the floor shall address their remarks to the President of Council and shall not engage Council members or other officers of the City to debate.
(f) Tirades are not permitted; nor shall any person utter any profane, derogatory, contemptuous, slanderous, harassing, mean spirited, malicious or false comment or remarks.
(g) The presiding office shall limit to five minutes the time permitted any speaker to address Council and may mute the microphone to restore order.
(h) No person shall address Council more than once at the same meeting.
(i) Members of Council may respond during Audience Participation only by the leave of the President of Council. (Ord. 45-2021. Passed 7-13-21.)