151.03 DUTIES.
   The Commission shall be an advisory body to the Administration, City Council, and the various Boards and Commissions. The Commission shall utilize regular reports and information from the City's various departments including the Department of Parks and Recreation, Engineering Department, and Building Department. Copies of the Commission's minutes, reports, and recommendations shall regularly be on file with the Clerk of Council and the Mayor and shall be forwarded to intended recipients in a timely manner as intended or upon request by the Commission. The Duties of the Commission are general and advisory. The Commission, when asked or charged with, shall:
   (a)   Review and make recommendations to the administration, City Council, and various boards and commissions concerning matters of environmental and historic preservation interest.
   (b)   Advise and make recommendations to City Council, the administration, and boards and commissions concerning the inclusion and implementation of basic environmental and historic preservation standards into the codes, regulations and procedures of the City.
   (c)   Develop public education and outreach programs in response to Federal, State, County and City Regulations or requirements.
   (d)   Develop public education and outreach programs concerning any aspect of the local environment.
   (e)   Make site inspection visits as needed or necessary and as directed by the Administration or Director of Community Planning and Development.
   (f)   Consider and make recommendations to the appropriate bodies regarding all matters of environmental interest appropriately referred to the Commission.
   (g)   Review and comment on development and redevelopment plans as directed by the Administration and/or Planning Commission, and issue an opinion for consideration by the City Engineer, Planning Commission, Council and the Mayor.
   (h)   Review land use plans or projects and provide review comments to the Administration, Planning Commission, Council and developer regarding the potential impact or implications of such plans on the natural state of the site and surrounding areas or on environmentally sensitive areas and places of historic significance.
   (i)   Develop and implement through the Administration and Council community programs for the collection of recyclable materials including hazardous wastes.
      (Ord. 156-2009. Passed 11-10-09.)