151.03 DUTIES.
   The Commission shall be an advisory body to the Administration, and City Council. Copies of the Commission's minutes, reports, and recommendations shall regularly be on file with the Clerk of Council. The Duties of the Commission are general and advisory. The Commission, when asked or charged with, shall:
   (a)   Review and make recommendations to the administration, City Council, and various boards and commissions concerning matters of environmental interest.
   (b)   Develop public education and outreach programs in response to Federal, State, County and City Regulations or requirements.
   (c)    Develop public education and outreach programs concerning any aspect of the local environment.
   (d)    Consider and make recommendations to the appropriate bodies regarding all matters of environmental interest appropriately referred to the Commission by Council, Planning Commission, and/or Mayor.
   (e)    Develop and implement through the Administration and Council community programs for the collection of recyclable materials including hazardous wastes.
   (f)   Enhance the awareness, understanding, commitment, and active involvement of residents. Upon direction from the administration and/or Council, the Commission may develop and implement events with respect to public education, public outreach, volunteer and community involvement, including, but not limited to: environmental stewardship events, resident recognition programs, litter prevention, clean-up and tree planting efforts, and the collection of recyclable materials including electronic waste and hazardous waste.
   (g)   Consider policy recommendations related to sustainability and environmental issues for residents, businesses, and city government when requested by Council.
   (h)   The Environmental Commission may advise and make written recommendations to Council, the Administration, and the Planning Commission concerning the inclusion and/or implementation of basic environmental standards into the codes, regulations and procedures which govern operation of the various departments of the City of Twinsburg.
      (Ord. 121-2023. Passed 1-9-24.)