(a)    The Mayor is hereby authorized to hire and employ on behalf of the City such special independent contractual personnel as shall be necessary from time to time to carry out the efficient and meaningful functions of the various service and administrative departments at such rates of compensation as the Mayor shall establish and file with the Director of Finance, provided that previous adequate financial appropriations have first been established by enactment of Council. Such employment shall not be considered as regular Municipal employment with the City either on a full-time or part-time basis, that such personnel shall not be carried upon the records of the regular City payroll and that such personnel shall be retained only upon an independent contractual basis negating the extension of City fringe benefits or retirement deductions. Any person thusly engaged by the City upon such or a similar basis at the time of the adoption hereof, shall be considered as being employed retroactively hereinunder as an independent contractor from the date of such services and shall be compensated as provided herein.
   (b)    The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to make such payments as established hereinunder to independent contractual personnel at such rates as are established by the Mayor and filed with the Director of Finance. (Ord. 89-2021. Passed 12-14-21.)