All developments should be designed to preserve healthy trees and woodlands, especially trees providing natural buffering, specimen trees and trees of eight inches or greater in diameter, where possible. Buildings and parking areas should be located to fit into the existing topography and preserve the natural amenities of the site.
(a) Regulations pertaining to all development except in the Residential and Single Family Cluster Districts.
(1) A Tree Protection Plan prepared by a landscape architect or a tree forester shall be prepared and submitted as part of the site (Chapter 1341). The Tree Protection Plan shall be drawn at a scale not less than 1" - 50' identifying and locating all individual trees or groups of trees of eight inches D.B.H. or greater. The Tree Protection Plan shall identify with specificity all trees to be preserved, all trees of eight inches or larger D.B.H. to be removed, the method of protection of trees to be preserved and any trees to be replaced, transplanted or added to the site. The Plan shall also include a table listing the area of the site, number of total trees (two inches or greater D.B.H.) and the total caliper of trees to be on the site excluding trees required to meet any applicable buffering requirements.
(2) Existing trees of eight inches D.B.H. or greater located within a required landscape perimeter area shall be preserved unless exempted or approved by the Planning Commission and Council to be removed and replaced.
(3) Existing specimen trees of eighteen inches D.B.H. or greater located within a parking area or interior landscape area shall be preserved within a landscaped island unless otherwise approved by the Commission and Council for removal and replacement. Specimen trees shall be located in a landscaped island adequate to protect the tree and root system.
(4) Existing trees within the building area, driveways, drainage easements and utility locations may be removed without replacement.
(5) The commission shall determine the number, type and location of replacement trees for any trees not preserved in subsections (a)(2) and (3) hereof. Any replacement tree shall be an approved tree of two inches or greater caliper and at least five feet in height.
(6) Additional trees may be preserved on the site above and beyond that required above. Such trees may be used for credit applied to trees which were to be preserved and removed. Also these trees can be applied to the minimum number and caliper of trees required under Section 1347.06. In order for existing trees to be applied as credit they must be four inches or greater in D.B.H.
(7) All trees or groups of trees eight inches or greater in D.B.H. to be preserved or removed shall be indicated on the Tree Preservation Plan.
(b) Regulations pertaining to the development of new single family subdivisions in Residential and Single Family Cluster Districts.
(1) Existing trees outside of the building area, driveways, street rights of way, drainageways and utility easements should be preserved, where possible.
(2) Storm and sanitary sewers should be located and elevations set in order to require a minimum of re-grading and tree removal.
(3) House elevations and street elevations shall be designed to minimize the change in existing natural grade of yards.
(4) Tree wells, aeration systems, retaining walls and other methods should be considered to preserve existing tree root systems in perimeter landscape areas.
(5) Existing trees to be preserved shall be marked and protected during all phases of construction.
(6) Preliminary subdivision plans or the development plan shall indicate areas which have existing trees or groupings of trees with a D.B.H. of eight inches or greater. Improvement plans and a D.B.H. of eight inches or greater. Improvement plans and individual building plot plans shall indicated trees or areas of trees the developer intends to preserve.
(7) Where possible a Natural Buffer of trees shall be retained.
(c) Tree protection methods to be implemented for any trees which are required on site:
(1) All trees or groups of trees to be preserved shall be marked with a blue colored ribbon or paint stripe prior to any clearing.
(2) Prior to any construction or grading, a protective barrier, fence, posts and/or signs shall be placed around the trees to be preserved.
(3) Protection barriers shall be located no closer than two-thirds of the distance from the tree trunk to the dripline.
(4) No building material, equipment, vehicles or chemicals shall be stored or placed in the protection area of the dripline.
(5) Surface grade shall not be changed more than six inches within the protected area without the installation of an aeration system, wells or retaining walls.
(6) No wires, boards, nails, signs, fences or other attachment shall be made to a tree to be preserved.
(Ord. 102-1996. Passed 9-10-96.)
(Ord. 102-1996. Passed 9-10-96.)