(a)   Any property owner maintaining and/or removing public or private trees whose hazard zone falls upon public land shall first obtain a permit issued by the City in accordance with the requirements of this section.
   (b)   A permit issued by the City shall be required of any private property owner maintaining or removing any public or private tree whose hazard zone falls upon the public land.
   (c)   The requirements for said permit shall be as follows:
      (1)   The permit fee shall be $5.00 paid in advance.
      (2)   Before the permit is issued, each private property owner shall first file evidence verifying home owners insurance coverage for bodily injury or damage to property to cover and save harmless the City and its agents from all suits, claims or actions of every class and nature for or on persons or property damage caused or claimed to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the maintenance or removal of said tree.
         (Ord. 184-1996. Passed 12-17-96.)