(a)    Truck routes to and from the drilling unit within the City shall be approved by the City Administration and Council. The Administration and Council shall give consideration to those routes which would minimize the wear on public streets and which would prevent hazards and damage to other properties in the City.
   (b)    (1)    The Administration and Council shall approve access to the well site. The applicant or his well driller shall install a forty-foot long, three-eighths inch minimum walled steel culvert, ten inches in diameter or larger, as specified and approved by the City Administration, located in the roadside ditch or other location determined by the City Administration, at each entrance or exit to a proposed well site. This installation is to provide for a ground cushion and entrance pad at the road edge to prevent berm and roadway damage or destruction. Further, a gravel entry drive of not less than 100 feet in length by ten feet in width and a gravel type of thickness, as specified and determined by the City Administration, shall be laid out as vehicle clean-up area to help reduce the amount of mud being carried onto the road right of way and pavement. This gravel entry drive shall be installed prior to the arrival of drilling equipment at the site and shall be maintained in an acceptable manner.
      (2)    Upon completion of all drilling operations, access roads shall have a gate with locking devices installed at or near the public road entrance to prevent unauthorized entry from the public road.
   (c)    The applicant shall be responsible for maintaining the public roads in a debris- free condition. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to cause the public roads to be free of all debris, mud or other accumulations resulting from the well drilling clean-up, or restoration operations. The applicant shall also provide one off-street parking space for each vehicle of individuals involved in such operation. If the applicant fails to fulfill any of these responsibilities, the City may perform such services and bill the applicant for the costs of such services, and may withdraw all permits.
   (d)    The applicant, driller or producer of any drilled well, whether producing or not, shall meet the following requirements:
      (1)    After the drilling process is completed, but before production starts, the applicant shall construct and secure an eight-foot cyclone-type fence around the entire circumference of all the permanent improvements placed on the premises.
      (2)    Wells, production facilities and processing equipment, located on a site adjacent to existing or proposed residential, commercial or other nonresidential or commercial structures or land uses, or adjacent to existing streets, roads or highways, where existing views or other aesthetic conditions are potentially damaged by the well or facilities, may be required by the Administration and Council, to be enclosed by a vision-obscuring masonry wall and/or wood fence at least eight feet high, or trees or other greenery achieving the same purpose.
      (3)    In all undeveloped areas not part of a platted or proposed residential subdivision or not containing existing homes as specified above, the vision-obscuring masonry wall and/or wood fences may be delayed at the discretion of the Administration and Council, who may at some future date require vision-obscuring fences or masonry walls, or trees or other greenery in response to changing development conditions and as a condition for the continued production of an existing well.
   (e)    At all times, any equipment and machinery shall be operated and maintained in such a manner as to minimize dust, noise and vibration. The drilling operations shall be controlled by a dual exhaust system, not exceeding a noise level of fifty-five decibels at a 300-foot radius from the well site between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day; and not exceeding seventy decibels at any other time. There shall be no drilling operations on Sunday. Access roads shall be maintained in a dust-free condition. During the production phase, the premises shall be maintained at all times in a neat and orderly condition.
   (f)    All storage and processing tanks shall be enclosed by embankments sufficient to contain any or all leakage or spillage from such tanks. The areas within such embankments shall be lined in such a way as to be impermeable to infiltration or loss of fluid into the surrounding materials. This embankment shall contain an outlet valve for use in release of surface water accumulation as necessary and appropriate, as approved by the City Administration.
   (g)    Any sump or pit system used for storage of wastes during the drilling or development period must be lined and sealed in such a way as to be impermeable to liquid infiltration from the pit to the surrounding area. Such system must contain a reserve holding area in the form of a second sump with characteristics similar to above and connected by an overflow gate in the event of unusual or unforeseen water conditions creating danger of surface flow outside the sump area, as approved by the City Administration.
   (h)    All brine-holding tanks shall be totally above grade and confined within the dike area.
   (i)    All surface hole drilling shall be accomplished "On Fluid" consisting of fresh water.
(Ord. 79-1984. Passed 10-23-84.)
   (j)    The surface hole shall not be less than 200 feet from any roadway with the eight and five-eighths inch casing being enclosed with cement to protect the fresh water supply in the area.
(Ord. 49-1987. Passed 6-23-87.)
   (k)    Blowout preventers shall be installed for the drilling phase after the eight and five-eighths inch surface pipe has been properly set and cemented, and such blowout preventers shall be properly tested prior to reaching a drilling depth of 2,000 feet (top of the big lime).
   (l)    A copy of the applicant's or operator's S.P.C.C. (Spill Prevention Control and Containment) plans shall be presented to the City Administration prior to approval of turn-on of any well installation.
   (m)    Partial reclamation shall be completed after the drilling phase and before the completion phase of each well so that all open pits have been reclaimed before hydrofracing. All flowback water from the hydrofracing (completion) process shall be put into frac tanks at the site and then hauled to approved brine injection wells.
   (n)    All moveable valves and access points in the producing complex shall be made vandal-proof with all appropriate methods, which methods shall be submitted to the City Administration for final approval.
   (o)    (1)    The applicant shall supply to the Chief of Police and the Chief of the Fire Department the name, address and telephone number(s) of the persons responsible for the operation and maintenance of each well for which a permit is issued so that some responsible person may be reached at any time in case of an emergency. Such information shall also be posted at each well site.
      (2)    All fencing, equipment, valves, or structures at each location that is secured by some manner of locking device shall all be master keyed alike, and a key provided to the Chief of Police and the Chief of the Fire Department to allow means of ease of access in case of emergency or inspection.
   (p)    Increasing porosity and permeability of any pay horizon or potential horizon by means of explosives is strictly prohibited.
   (q)    All pipes, distribution lines and power lines associated with the area of use shall be buried not less than two feet wherever feasible, such burial to be accomplished prior to full production from any well. Anything less than two feet in depth must be approved by the City Administration.
   (r)    All permanent pumps and/or compressors shall be chosen with due regard to minimization of potential acoustic level upon adjacent properties.
   (s)    Notification of initiation of production from any well shall be made to the City Administration no later than seven days prior to such production. All improvements and safety requirements alluded to herein shall be in place no later than three days prior to such production. Total reclamation, as outlined in Section 735.05, shall be completed on each drill site and approved by the City Administration prior to turn-on of any producing oil or gas well.
   (t)    No other improvement can or may be located on the minimum acreage during the time interval from initiation of drilling to initiation of production from a completed well. Following initiation of production, such improvements as may conform to the Zoning Code may be initiated within the restrictions of all applicable laws of the State, County and City.
   (u)    There shall be no deliberate or purposeful spillage of salt water from the separator tanks. Any salt water contained in the separator tanks shall be captured and removed from the premises.
   (v)    All transportation lines on the premises shall be built, laid and maintained in accordance with the standards established by the Department of Transportation.
   (w)    All related rules and regulations, as amended, promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil and Gas, to the degree they are not inconsistent with the provisions herein, are hereby incorporated by reference as part of this chapter.
(Ord. 78-1984. Passed 10-23-84.)