The applicant for a card room license shall pay a license fee at the time of his application of ten dollars ($10.00) for each card table or other paraphernalia, per month, upon which may be conducted a continuous game of cards or game played by means of cards. (1958 Code, Ch. VI, Art. 1)
Whenever the person making application for such license has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, or the reputation of such applicant in the City is such that the City Clerk shall believe that such applicant will conduct or permit the conducting of a gambling game or gambling games under such license, either openingly or surreptitiously, the City Clerk shall refuse to issue such license. (Ord. 2197, 3-16-87)
Any person conducting or who shall permit the conducting of any game or games under license issued as aforesaid, shall permit any member of the Council and any police officer or officers and any executive officer of the City, or any or either thereof, to freely visit and view such game or games and to remain and view the same at will, and any person or any person acting as an officer or agent thereof or any person having immediate control or conduct of such business, place of amusement, room or place where said game is being carried on, or is being permitted to be carried on, under such license, shall answer in writing any question or questions which may be propounded to him or them by any of the officers aforesaid in regard to such game or games, and shall make a statement in writing under oath when required by any such officer setting forth such information as shall be required by said officer in regard to such game or games and the conduct thereof, and shall exhibit when and as often as required any matter or thing in the possession or under the control of such person conducting or permitting the conduct of such game or games, which is in any way connected with said game or games or which, in the opinion of such officer, would be evidence of the conducting of a gambling game or any improper conduct of said game, and if such person shall refuse or fail, either individually or by or through its officers or agents or person having charge or control, to answer the inquiries or make the statement or statements or exhibit matters and things aforesaid, in the manner and to the extent aforesaid, then the Council may, at a regular meeting or any special meeting called for that purpose, revoke the license issued to such person so offending and the licensee shall forfeit all fees paid thereunder, and the Council shall refuse to issue any further license to the person so offending and when such licensee so offending shall have been notified of the revocation of such license, it shall be unlawful for him to conduct or permit the conducting or permit the playing of any such game or games as in this Chapter mentioned in his place of business or amusement, or any place or room under his possession or control.
No beer, wine, hard liquor or any liquor of any alcoholic content whatsoever, shall be served to anyone at said card tables, and no person shall drink or be permitted to drink such liquor at said tables. (1958 Code, Ch. VI, Art. 1)
If the applicant is aggrieved by the decision of the City Clerk, the applicant may appeal such decision to the City Council within seven (7) days of notice of the decision of the City Clerk. The applicant must, in writing, appeal to the City Council and set forth the reasons therefor why the applicant should not be denied a license. The City Council shall set the time and place for a hearing a reasonable period of time subsequent to applicant's written notice of appeal. Notice of such hearing shall be personally served upon the applicant, or mailed postage prepaid to the applicant at his last known address, at least three (3) days prior to the date of the hearing. The order of the City Council shall be final.
The City Council may revoke any license issued under this Chapter for violation of any of the provisions of this Code or ordinance of the City or laws of the State of Idaho. Prior to revocation by the City Council, the City Clerk or City Council shall notify the applicant in writing, setting forth specifically the grounds of the complaint and the time and place of the hearing. Such notice shall be personally served upon the licensee, or mailed postage prepaid to the licensee at his last known address at least three (3) days prior to the date set for the hearing. (Ord. 2197, 3-16-87)