(A)   The uses listed in § 156.092 are principal uses.
   (B)   Except as otherwise provided, an accessory use, building, or structure is permitted to accompany the principal use to which it is subordinate where such principal use is either permitted or authorized by a special use permit.
   (C)   A structure or use may be erected or established as an accessory structure or use to a permitted principal building, structure, or use, provided that:
      (1)   It is located on the lot occupied by or intended for the principal use or building established or existing or on an adjoining lot under the provisions of §§ 156.100 through § 156.108, or, in the case of parking, on another lot;
      (2)   It is compatible in character and extent with the principal use and the zoning district where it is located;
      (3)   It conforms with other such regulations as apply;
      (4)   It is not prohibited;
      (5)   It shall not be erected or established prior to the establishment or construction of the principal use or building, except as authorized by the Building Inspector; and
      (6)   It is customarily incidental to the principal structure or use.
(Ord. 80-0-24, passed 1-12-81)