The following zoning districts are established for the city. These zoning districts have been formulated for the interpretation of this chapter and to realize the general purposes set forth in § 156.001. In addition, the specific purpose of each zoning district shall be as stated herein.
   (A)   The T, Transitional District is intended to prevent scattered, indiscriminate urban development, thus allowing for efficient expansion contiguous to the existing urban area. T District application is also intended to prevent strip development. Subdivision is not altogether prohibited in this district, but rather, it is regulated so as to prevent urban development that would not be serviced by public sewer and water, or that in the present or future would cause unnecessary increases in the cost of these and other public services. T District application is in no way intended to regulate agricultural uses and uses that are accessory to agricultural uses, with the exception that area and height requirements shall apply to these uses.
   (B)   The D-l, Single-Family Dwelling District is intended to provide areas for single-family detached dwellings as specified in the applicable lot regulations, and is primarily intended for application in areas outside of the older residential areas that comprise the D-2 District.
   (C)   The D-2, General Dwelling District is intended to provide areas for a variety of housing types - single-family, two-family, and multiple-family dwellings, as specified in § 156.102. D-2 District application is initially intended for application in the older residential areas of the city to allow continuation of the existing housing environment and to encourage this area to be fully developed.
   (D)   The D-3, Mobile Home Dwelling District is intended to provide areas where mobile homes can be a viable alternative to the housing types permitted in the D-1 and D-2 Districts. The D-3 District is intended to regulate and encourage well- designed mobile home parks in a healthful, safe, and comfortable environment, with particular consideration for site size, open space, and density.
   (E)   B-l Highway Business District. The design and regulations of this district are intended to provide for certain types of commercial activities which have some characteristics in common. In this district the customer usually comes directly to the particular establishment by automobile, making a separate stop for each errand. Comparison shopping activity is less than in the Central Business District. Since there is little essential interdependence of activities, establishments can be dispersed over considerable areas with each establishment having its own automobile parking. Consequently, good automobile accessibility is essential to this district.
   (F)   The B-2, General Business District is intended to provide for certain types of commercial activities which have functional and economic relationships to the Central Business or Highway Business Districts, or that are related in a peripheral manner to the Central Business District. Since there is little essential interdependence of activities, each establishment may have its own automobile parking area. Good traffic accessibility is essential to this district, particularly for trucks and other freight carriers.
   (G)   The B-3, Central Business District is intended to serve the central retail marketing function for the city. A prime characteristic of this district is its pedestrian activity. In the regulation and the future planning of this district, the essential interdependence of activities should be given precedence over any desire to permit automobiles to come directly to each establishment. Offices and office buildings are compatible with the purpose of this district as long as adequate and convenient parking can be provided for both the offices and nearby retail merchandising activity.
   (H)   The purpose of the I-1, Light Industry District is to provide for storage and manufacturing uses not normally creating a nuisance discernable beyond the property lines of each establishment.
   (I)   The purpose of the I-2, Heavy Industry District is to provide areas for those storage and manufacturing uses which are potentially hazardous, or which have nuisance effects which are often discernable beyond the property lines of the establishment. Consequently, the district in which these uses are allowed is located in areas relatively remote from residential and prime retail development.
   (J)   FP Floodplain District.
      (1)   Floodplain regulations are designed to accomplish two basic objectives related to flood damage protection:
         (a)   To prevent new development from increasing flood damages to others; and
         (b)   To ensure that new building will be free from flood damage. The guideline used in urban areas is to permit the regional flood to be raised no more than 1/10 of a foot by future development.
      (2)   The intent of the Floodplain (FP) District is to prevent harm to people and property in those parts of the underlying districts which lie in flood- prone areas. As such, the FP District is an overlay district, meaning, that the regulations for the underlying Districts apply in addition to the FP District regulations, except if a conflict exists, the FP District regulations shall take precedence. The exact relationship between the district regulations and special use regulations in the Floodplain District and those of the underlying districts is clarified in § 156.117(A). Floodplains are those areas of land adjacent to bodies of water and drainage channels which are occasionally inundated by flood waters. More and more of this land has been built on, resulting in rising losses from flood damage. As the floodplain is filled in and built up, the flood waters are constricted and forced elsewhere, at a higher velocity and with greater potential for harm to people and property. Therefore, it is the best interest of the public to keep floodplains as close as possible to their natural condition so that they may fulfill their prime function of floodwater storage and passage. The regulations set forth in § 156.125 are intended to decrease the potential for future flood losses by guiding development away from flood-prone areas and by imposing strict standards and requirements on any development that does take place in this district.
   (K)   R-1, Single Family Residence in golf courses. This district is intended to provide areas for single family, detached dwelling as specified in the applicable lot regulations, just as specified in the D-1 District; however, in addition to and separate and apart from the regulations governing the D-1 District, the R-1 District would also: allow public and/or private golf course uses, together with any and all activities normally associated with and incident thereto, including, but not necessarily limited to, retail pro shop activities, restaurant or food and beverage dispensing, banquet hall, and golf driving range. These activities related to the operation and maintenance of a golf course are limited only to the golf course, and are not permitted upon any residential lot or within any residence located thereon. Further, no special uses will be permitted within R-1 as concerns residential housing uses. Further, all utilities must be buried underground.
   (L)   R-2 General Dwelling District. This district is intended to provide areas for a variety of housing types, from single family dwelling to multi-family dwellings. The R-2 District is like the D-2 District except as follows: no special use permits will be allowed. All utilities must be underground. Further, zero lot line building will be permitted, as defined herein in § 156.109.
(Ord. 80-0-24, passed 1-12-81; Am. Ord. 95-0-6, passed 7-10-95)