The Mayor shall designate a Building Inspector. The Building Inspector may be provided with the assistance of such other persons as the Mayor may direct. The Building Inspector shall administer and enforce this code and shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the following specific duties and responsibilities:
   (A)   Inspect all buildings or structures being erected, altered, relocated, or demolished to ascertain compliance with city codes and ordinances;
   (B)   Review all applications for building permits and plans and specifications for buildings or structures proposed to be erected, altered, relocated, or demolished to ascertain compliance with the requirements of this chapter and all other city codes and ordinances;
   (C)   Examine and approve the work of all trades during construction, alteration, relocation, or demolition of any building or structure;
   (D)   Make a physical on-site inspection every two weeks, or more often if he deems it necessary, of any construction, alteration, relocation, or demolition subject to the provisions of city codes and ordinances;
   (E)   Order all work stopped on construction, alteration, or repair of buildings in the city when such work is being done in violation of any provision of any code or ordinance relating thereto, or in violation of this zoning code;
   (F)   Make or cause to be made entry into any building or premises where the work of altering, repairing, or constructing any building or structure is going on, for the purpose of making inspections, at any reasonable hour;
   (G)   Serve in a staff capacity to the Plan Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals;
   (H)   Issue building permits for all buildings or structures being erected, altered, relocated, or demolished;
   (I)   Issue occupancy permits;
   (J)   Issue special use permits on approval of the application for the special use permit by the Council;
   (K)   Serve as the ex officio Electrical Inspector and have all the powers and perform all the duties connected with that office, if qualified;
   (L)   Serve as the ex officio Plumbing Inspector and have all the powers and perform all the duties connected with that office, if qualified.
(Ord. 80-0-24, passed 1-12-81)