(A) Streets shall be constructed in accordance with the city's ordinances, as amended, the Comprehensive Plan, the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" the "City of Tuscola Design and Construction Standards" and these regulations.
(B) Portland cement concrete pavement shall conform to the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction."
(C) The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade construction, and location of all streets shall conform to the city official map as adopted, or subsequent amendments thereto, and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, topographical conditions, and public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. The street pattern shall discourage through traffic in the interior of a subdivision. The subdivider shall provide within the boundaries of the subdivision plat, the necessary right-of-way for the widening, continuance, or alignment of such streets in conformity with the official map as adopted.
(D) Insofar as is practicable, the street arrangement should provide proper access to schools, playgrounds, transportation and other community features. New street openings shall be generally prohibited within 600 feet of any major intersection or crossing such as that formed by a railroad and a highway, two or more highways, or from the head of any major bridge, grade separation structure, or like facilities, as measured along the centerline from the intersection or from such structure.
(E) The minimum design standards for the various types of streets shall be in accordance with the City of Tuscola Design and Construction Standards. Dead-end streets or stub streets are prohibited. However, where it is necessary to provide circulation to underdeveloped property adjacent to the boundaries of the proposed subdivision, a temporary cul-de-sac with a turnaround radius of not less than 75 feet shall be provided within the subdivision and adjacent to its limits for what would otherwise be a stub end street. More than a 500-foot length is discouraged.
(F) Intersection design standards.
(1) The design and improvement standards for intersections are suggested minimums for all street intersections in subdivisions. All such intersections shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Tuscola Design and Construction Standards.
(2) Multiple intersections involving junctions of more than two streets shall be avoided.
(3) Four-way intersections of local streets should be avoided and three-way or T-intersections should be encouraged wherever possible.
(G) Special street types.
(1) Dedication of new half-streets shall not be permitted. Where a dedicated or platted half-street exists adjacent to the tract being subdivided, the other half shall be platted.
(2) Where a subdivision adjoins an arterial street, a marginal access street shall be designed, if the subdivision design is such that residential lots would require direct vehicular access to the arterial highway. Points of access to the arterial street shall be spaced at a minimum of 1,320 feet. A green space having a minimum width of 20 feet shall be provided between the pavement of the arterial street and the pavement of the marginal access street. The minimum width of the marginal access right-of-way shall be 60 feet.
(3) In sloping terrain, streets shall generally run parallel to the contour of the land or preferably cross at a slight angle therewith.
(4) Street jogs shall be avoided whenever possible. However, where permitted, the minimum centerline offset distance between roads entering a common right-of-way from opposite sides shall be 150 feet.
(H) All streets shall be designed to meet horizontal and vertical alignment criteria as established by the IDOT BLR Manual (current publication) for the particular class of street being constructed. In the case of a conflict between the BLR design criteria and these regulations, the BLR criteria shall take precedence.
(I) The intersection of subdivision streets with any existing arterial or highway shall be designed as specified by the agency having maintenance authority.
(J) Streets serving business developments and accessory parking areas shall be planned to connect with arterial streets so as not to generate traffic on local streets. The intersections of driveways from parking areas with arterial or collector streets shall be located so as to cause the least possible interference with traffic movement on the streets, and shall be located not less than 100 feet from the intersection of an arterial or collector street with any other street, and shall be spaced not less than 200 feet from each other. The Plan Commission may require marginal access streets to provide maximum safety and convenience.
(K) Collector streets for industrial subdivisions shall be planned to serve industrial areas exclusively and shall connect with arterial streets so that no industrial traffic will be directed into any residential streets. The intersection of service streets from parking areas with arterial or collector streets shall not be less than 100 feet from the intersection of the arterial or collector street with any other street. Streets shall be planned to be extended to the boundaries of any adjoining land planned for industry, except for severe physical conditions or if the Plan Commission finds such extension is not in accord with the approved plan of the area.
(Ord. 81-0-19, passed 5-11-81; Am. Ord. 2011-O-4, passed 3-14-11) Penalty, see § 154.99