(A) Submission. The subdivider shall cause to be prepared a preliminary plat, the contents of which are set forth in these regulations. The preliminary plat shall be prepared on a sheet or sheets the dimensions of which shall not exceed 24 inches by 36 inches and shall be drawn to a scale which is not numerically greater than 100 feet to the inch. After completion of preapplication conference, the subdivider shall submit to the Inspector two 24 inch by 36 inch and twelve 11 inch by 17 inch prints of the above described plat. The subdivider shall submit in writing simultaneously with the plat, 12 copies of all requests for waiver of these regulations, unless the waivers are shown on the face of the plat. Waiver requests shall be shown on the face of the plat or transmitted under separate cover provided that only one means of presentation is used. The City Administrator is authorized to receive the preliminary plat and waiver requests when the subdivider has satisfied the preapplication conference requirements set forth in § 154.15 and paid a subdivision fee in accordance with fee schedules established by the City Council.
(B) Distribution. For all plats other than those for minor subdivisions, on receipt of the preliminary plat and waiver requests, the Inspector shall transmit one copy of each to the City Engineer, appropriate Drainage District, Soil and Water Conservation District, Sanitary District, and Douglas County Highway Department and Illinois Department of Transportation (if the property being platted is adjacent to a federal or state highway), requesting that their written comments be submitted within ten working days of the date of mailing, unless otherwise required by ordinance or law. The City Administrator may notify such other agencies as deemed appropriate, the City Administrator may require the subdivider to provide such additional copies of the plat as are needed for review by these agencies. No comment in the time specified shall be deemed no adverse comment.
(C) Review and comments. For all plats other than those for minor subdivisions, the Inspector shall review the preliminary plat and waiver requests for conformity to the Comprehensive Plan or parts thereof, applicable zoning regulations, and the provisions of these regulations and shall make recommendations thereon. The City Engineer shall review the plat and waiver requests for conformity to these regulations, flood control regulations, other applicable regulations, and generally accepted engineering practices, particularly as these apply to storm drainage and sewer and water facilities and shall make recommendations thereon. The City Engineer shall forward a report of the review to the City Administrator.
(D) Plan Commission. For all plats other than those for minor subdivisions, the Inspector shall schedule the preliminary plat for review by the commission and so notify the City Engineer, subdivider, and subdivider's engineer. The subdivider shall transmit to the Inspector 14 full-size prints of the preliminary plat, including revisions made since the original submittal, or five full-size prints and nine reduced prints, or five full-sized prints and one 8-1/2 by 11 inch reduction of same, provided all notes and dimensions are readable. The Inspector shall forward to the Plan Commission a copy of the plat and waiver requests and recommendations of the City Engineer, commenting agencies, and other interested parties.
(E) For all plats other than those for minor subdivisions, the Plan Commission may request additional information from the subdivider if necessary to evaluate waiver requests. The Plan Commission shall recommend approval or disapproval of the preliminary plat and all waiver requests within 90 days from the date of submission of the plat in accordance with § 154.16(A) or the filing by the subdivider of the last waiver request, whichever date is later, unless such time is extended by mutual consent. If the Commission recommends disapproval of the plat, the Secretary to the Plan Commission shall furnish to the subdivider in writing a statement setting forth the reasons for disapproval and specifying with particularity the aspects of the proposed plat which fail to conform to these regulations. Following the formal recommendation of the Commission the Inspector shall forward the plat and related files and recommendations for inclusion on the City Council agenda.
(F) City Council. For all plats other than those for minor subdivisions, the City Council shall approve or disapprove the plat including requests for waiver within 30 days after the City Council's next regularly scheduled meeting following the action of the Plan Commission. In all cases, the Council shall state the reasons for disapproval of the plat or waiver request. The Inspector shall furnish to the subdivider in writing a statement setting forth the reasons for disapproval and specifying with particularity to the aspects of the proposed plat which fail to conform to applicable ordinances. Such written statement shall be furnished to the subdivider within 14 days, excluding holidays, of the date of council action. Preliminary plat approval shall not qualify the plat for recording.
(G) Minor subdivisions. The City Administrator shall approve, or disapprove, the plat, including requests for waivers, within 30 days of submittal. In all cases, preliminary approval shall not qualify the plat for recording.
(H) Requirements for preliminary plats. Information supplied on preliminary plats shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) General provisions.
(a) The proposed name of subdivision and owner's, subdivider's, and subdivider's engineer's names and addresses. In the event that the owner is a land trust, the beneficial owners and their percentage interests shall be disclosed in accordance with state statute.
(b) Scale, north arrow, and date of preparation.
(c) Subdivision boundaries clearly indicated.
(d) A small vicinity map depicting location of the subdivision with respect to the general area and public ways.
(e) Gross acreage of subdivision.
(f) Certificates to appear on all plats except minor subdivisions:
Tuscola Plan Commission
Recommended to the City Council of Tuscola for preliminary approval, subject to such conditions and recommendations, if any, as hereto attached.
Date Secretary
Tuscola City Council
Preliminary approval is hereby granted by the City Council of Tuscola subject to such condition(s), if any, as may be set forth in No. .
Date Mayor
Attest: City Clerk
(g) Certificates to appear on plats for minor subdivisions:
Tuscola City Administrator
Preliminary approval is hereby granted by the City Administrator of Tuscola subject to such condition(s), if any, as may be set forth in No. .
Date City Administrator
Attest: Building Inspector
(h) Each plat submitted to the City Council for approval shall carry a certificate by an Illinois licensed professional land surveyor in substantially the following form:
"I, (name), hereby certify that I am an Illinois Licensed Professional Land Surveyor in compliance with the laws of the State of Illinois and that this plat correctly represents a survey completed by me on (date); that all monuments shown thereon actually exist, and are accurately shown. I have provided preliminary information, if required, to the Illinois Department of Transportation, the local highway authority, and the local health department."
(2) Existing conditions.
(a) The names, location, right-of-way, and pavement widths of ail existing public or private streets adjacent to the subdivision.
(b) The location and size of all existing sanitary sewers, water mains, storm drainage facilities, or other underground facilities and all related rights-of-way or easements within the tract.
(c) The topography by contour intervals of not more than one foot related to mean sea level.
(d) The drainage district within which the proposed
subdivision lies or the district to which the subdivision is contiguous, or if the subdivision is not located in a drainage district, so state.
(e) The location and identification of buildings, railroads, overhead transmission lines, pipe lines, excavations, bridges, culverts, and related items within the tract, and related rights-of-way or easements.
(f) The location of existing streams, rivers, known drains, lakes, ponds, and impoundments within 500 feet of the tract and the related rights-of-way or easements.
(g) A study or studies which shall show topographically and by profile the elevation of the land prior to the commencement of any change in elevations as a part of any phase of subdividing, and additionally, if it is contemplated that such elevations, or the flow of surface water from such land, will be changed as a result of any portion of such subdivision development, then such study or studies shall also show such proposed changes in the elevations and the flow of surface water from such land. The topographical and profile studies to be submitted with the subdivision plat must have on their face the signed statement of a registered professional engineer, and the owner of the land or his duly authorized attorney, to the effect that to the best of their knowledge and belief the drainage of surface waters will not be changed by the construction of such subdivision or any part thereof, or, that if such surface water drainage will be changed, reasonable provision has been made for collection and diversion of such surface waters into public areas, or drains which the subdivider has a right to use, and that such surface waters will be planned for in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices so as to reduce the likelihood of damage to the adjoining property because of the construction of the subdivision.
(3) Proposed development.
(a) The names, locations, rights-of-way, and pavement widths of proposed streets and alleys.
(b) The location and width of crosswalk rights-of-way.
(c) All lots, including dimensions.
(d) The location of proposed water courses or impoundments, including stream relocations, showing normal water levels and direction of flow.
(e) Proposed sewage disposal and storm water systems including location of drains, water supply (public or well), and related rights-of-way and easements.
(I) Limitations on preliminary plat approval. Application for final approval of a plat shall be made not later than one year after preliminary approval has been granted. The applicant may elect to have final approval of a geographic part or parts of the plat that received preliminary approval, and may delay application for approval of other parts until a later date or dates beyond one year with the approval of the City Council, provided all facilities required to serve the part or parts for which final approval is sought have been provided.
(Ord. 81-0-19, passed 5-11-81; Am. Ord. 2011-O-4, passed 3-14-11)