No electrical equipment shall be installed or altered in the city except upon a permit issued by the Electrical Inspection Department. The Electrical Inspection Department shall issue permits for the installation and alteration of electrical equipment in all cases where application is made in accordance with the rules and regulations applicable thereto. Each permit shall designate to whom it is issued, the location of the place where work is to be done and the class of such work. The Electrical Department shall inspect all electrical equipment altered or installed in the city.
('69 Code, § 8-50) Penalty, see § 151.99
   Electrical inspection department, see § 32.01 et seq.
Statutory reference:
   Electrical inspection department, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5 § 11-37-2
   Electrical standards, permits, fees, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5 § 11-37-3