The fees charged for licenses shall be as follows:
(A) For hawking or peddling jewelry, silverware, or gold plate ware or merchandise, there shall be paid a license fee of $5 per day.
(B) For hawking or peddling salve, liniment, electric appliances, dry goods, notions, clothing, gents’ furnishings, goods, or shoes, there shall be paid a license fee of $5 per day or $25 per week.
(C) For hawking or peddling stationery, picture books, and publications other than newspapers, there shall be paid a license fee of $4 per day or $20 per week.
(D) For hawking or peddling lemonade, sodas, or other refreshments, there shall be paid a license fee of $5 for one day, $15 per week, or $30 per month.
(E) For hawking or peddling fruits, vegetables, groceries, meats, poultry, or fish, there shall be paid a license fee of $5 per day provided that where the license is issued for six months, the fee shall be $50.
(F) For hawking, peddling or selling popcorn, peanuts, ice cream, fruit, or refreshments of any kind from a stand or where any portion of the street, alley, or sidewalk of the city is used to conduct such business, there shall be paid a license fee of $5 per day, $10 per week, or $20 per month.
(G) For hawking or peddling any and all articles not herein enumerated and specified, there shall be paid a license fee of $6 per day, $25 per week, $35 per month, or $100 per year.
(‘69 Code, § 15-67)
(H) There shall not be a fee for the hawking, soliciting or peddling of articles, wares or merchandise from a person or persons representing bona fide not-for- profit organizations duly licensed and incorporated under the laws of the state; nor shall there be a fee for persons representing organizations soliciting persons’ opinions for comparison tallies or support tallies to be used by the soliciting organizations. (Ord. 91-0-1, passed 2-11- 91)