(A) Any person desiring a license shall make a written application to the City Clerk or other official or authority designated by this code. (‘69 Code, § 15-3)
(B) Every applicant for a license shall state the purpose for which the license is desired, for what length of time, and the place where his business is to be carried on. If required, he shall file bond before licensed and shall name the proposed sureties on the bond in his application. (‘69 Code, § 15-4)
(C) The City Clerk shall receive applications for licenses and shall grant them in all cases where it is not otherwise expressly provided. If he does not, for any purpose, feel authorized to grant an application for a license within his jurisdiction to grant, he may report the application to the next meeting of the City Council for its action thereon. (‘69 Code, § 15-2)
(D) Each application shall require approval by the Mayor. If the Mayor approves the application, he shall endorse his name thereon. Upon filing of the endorsed application and payment of the license fee with the City Clerk, the Clerk or other official having jurisdiction thereof shall issue the applicant a license for the purpose and time specified. (‘69 Code, § 15-4)
(E) All licenses shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Clerk, under the corporate seal. No license shall be valid until signed and countersigned as provided, and no person shall be deemed licensed until a license is duly issued to him. (‘69 Code, § 15-5)