No person shall keep, sell, or deliver any poison usually known or used as deadly poison, without legibly marking the name thereof, or the word “poison” upon the vial, wrapper, or other enclosure containing the poison. No person shall sell or deliver any arsenic, strychnine, prussic acid, or other poison actually known or used as a deadly poison, to any person known to him, without registering the name of such person and the kind and quantity of the poison sold or delivered and the purpose for which the poison was obtained. No person shall sell or deliver any poison to any person unknown to him, provided, that the sale or delivery of such poison as a medicine, upon the prescription of a practicing physician, shall not be deemed a violation of this section.
(‘69 Code, § 18-38) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
Poison prevention packaging act, see ILCS Ch. 430, Act 40 § 1 et seq.