(A) The boat launch at the Marina Park and parking lot as established by the township shall be under the supervision of the Township Board.
(B) It shall be unlawful to enter the boat launch area at the said Marina Park Boat Launch, or park at the designated overflow parking site after launching a boat, without first paying the monetary entrance fee as required by resolution of the Township Board. The permit fees are to be set annually at the February regular meeting of the Township Board with approval from the DNR Waterways Commission.
(C) Permits are available for day, annual or business use. The daily fee is good only on the date of issue. Annual and business fees are good from January 1 through December 31. The appropriate parking permit must be prominently displayed on or above the vehicle dash and clearly readable through the vehicle windshield.
(D) The launch and designated overflow parking sites are open 24 hours.
(E) Vehicles parked at the launch site must display a valid day or annual pass.
(F) Vehicles without a trailer parked at the designated overflow parking site do not require a pass. Vehicles with a boat trailer parked at the designated overflow parking site do require a pass.
(G) Notice to be published. The Township Clerk shall publish these regulations in the manner required by law.
(H) These sites are owned and operated by the township and the Michigan State Park Passport is not accepted.
(I) The Township Board, at its discretion, may suspend application of this section for a period of hours or days to accommodate special functions and uses.
(J) No unattended trailers parked at the boat launch and at the designated overflow parking site. Trailers will be towed at owner’s expense.
(K) No camping is allowed at either the boat launch or at the designated overflow parking site.
(Ord. 25, passed 2-1-2011) Penalty, see § 92.99