(A)   The rates, fees and charges, including, but not limited to, the residential equivalent unit/benefit charges as calculated utilizing the township schedule of benefits table, for permits issued pursuant to this chapter, and for connection to and use of the system shall be in such amounts as are established by resolution of the Township Board.
   (B)   Such rates, fees and charges shall be established in amounts sufficient to pay all costs of the operation, maintenance and repair of the system and any amounts required to be paid or maintained under the terms of any bonds or other obligations of indebtedness of the system, including, without limitation, a fund balance reasonably anticipated to be sufficient to fund reasonably anticipated equipment replacement and emergency repairs of the system.
   (C)   The use of a meter on the premises to calculate flow for the purpose of billing for use may be at the option of the property owner if they have two or more REUs but the township reserves the right to require a meter for users if it is deemed necessary to properly bill that customer for operational cost.
   (D)   Such rates, fees and charges may, in the discretion of the Township Board include the following in such amounts or at such rates as determined by the Township Board:
      (1)   Permit fees in amounts as are reasonably determined to cover the costs of permit issuance, inspection and enforcement;
      (2)   Connection fees in amounts reasonably determined to be sufficient to pay some of the capital and/or debt retirement costs of the system;
      (3)   Flat rate sewer use charge per REU;
      (4)   Readiness to serve charges or debt service charges based upon residential equivalent units, meter size or other methodology as determined by the township in amounts reasonably determined to be sufficient to pay some of the capital and/or debt retirement costs of the system and/or all or a portion of the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement costs of the system;
      (5)   Commodity or usage charges in amounts reasonably determined to be sufficient to pay some of the capital and/or debt retirement costs of the system and/or all or a portion of the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement costs of the system; and
      (6)   Special rates, fees and charges in amounts and on such basis as is reasonably determined to be sufficient to pay the costs of special services.
   (E)   At least annually the township shall review the rates, fees and charges and adjust them as necessary to meet the requirements of this section.
   (F)   Irrigation systems may be connected before the meter or be metered separately and used as a deduct meter because that flow will not be going into the sewer system and should not be part of the metered use.
   (G)   No free service shall be furnished by the system to any person, firm or corporation, public or private, or to any public agency or instrumentality.
(Ord. passed 7-10-2013)