(A)   The township may obtain any remedy allowed by law for any violation of any discharge limitation, a pretreatment standard or requirement.
   (B)   If a user’s discharge results in a deposit, an obstruction, damage or an impairment in the sanitary sewer system, then the user shall be liable to the township for the costs of cleaning, repairing or replacing the affected components.
   (C)   In any enforcement action, the township may recover from the user subject to the enforcement action the township’s costs for sampling, analysis, other surveillance measures and time devoted to the action by the township, Township Attorney or other personnel.
   (D)   A user shall be liable to the township for fine or costs or other liability imposed upon the township if:
      (1)   The user has violated any discharge limitation or pretreatment standard or requirement;
      (2)   The user’s violation has caused the township to violate any requirement to which it is subject or increased the magnitude or duration of a violation or resulted in the township’s incurring any other liability; and
      (3)   An enforcement action against the township by the DNR, the EPA or any other person resulted in the penalty or other liability being imposed upon the township.
   (E)   In addition to any other rates, fees, charges, fines, penalties or other costs, a user shall be responsible for any additional costs incurred by the township as a result of the user’s violation of this subchapter, including without limitation expenses for additional monitoring, sampling or analysis, expenses for additional investigation, costs for additional reports, costs for storing, dumping or treating discharges, costs of damage to or loss of the treatment works or natural resources, fines and penalties. The user shall be notified of all such charges and shall pay them within 30 days of notification. Failure to pay shall be a violation of this subchapter.
(Ord. passed 7-10-2013)