(A) Inside the defined sewer district, one service connection will be provided to all parcels within the sewer district as part of the special assessment amount. Any additional connections or extensions would be at the property owner’s expense.
(B) Owners of undeveloped parcels located within the service area who requested that public sewer service not be extended to the undeveloped parcel at the time of construction may, at a future date, request that the parcel be serviced by the public sewer. If no service connection or lateral was constructed to such property, no such connection shall occur until a service connection and lateral area is constructed in accordance with the township’s specifications and under the review of the Township Engineer. The owner or developer shall obtain all required County Road Commission and other permits. The plans and specifications for the building drain, building sewer, service connection and lateral shall be submitted to the township and may be referred to the township’s designated engineer for review and approval. The property owner or developer shall pay all costs of the connection, including all costs incurred by the township to review and approve plans and to inspect the same. The owner or owners of the parcel shall apply to connect to the existing public sewer of the service area in which the land is located. Such application must be approved by the township. The owner(s) of the parcel shall be responsible for payment of all costs related to construction and connection of the service, including, but not limited to, actual construction costs; backfill, restoration, and replacement costs; and all applicable permit, inspection, and hook-up fees. Construction and connection of the service shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications. Also, all conditions and requirements of this chapter shall be satisfied by the owner(s) before the township will allow connection to the system.
(C) Township Board approval is required for parcels outside of the defined sewer district.
(Ord. passed 7-10-2013)