§ 8.52.090   Public assistance for property owners.
   If the Director determines that a property owner, who has submitted a notice of intent to prune, pursuant to § 8.52.060 herein, cannot properly prune his or her heritage tree without the assistance of a professional tree trimmer, and that the property owner cannot afford to hire a professional tree trimmer because he or she does not have the financial resources to pay for such services, the city may provide financial assistance to the property owner for the purpose of pruning the tree or trees, if the following conditions are met:
   (A)   The property owner either:
      (1)   Uses the property where the tree(s) is located as his or her principal place of residence; or
      (2)   Is a non-profit group, agency or organization and uses the property where the tree(s) is located in the conduct of its business or operations as such an organization;
   (B)   In the case of a property owner described in division (A)(1) above, the aggregate gross income of all persons 18 years of age or older residing on the property does not exceed the minimum amount as may be set from time to time, by resolution of the City Council, pursuant to this division.
   (C)   The Director determines that it is necessary to prune the tree to remove hazardous conditions, remove disease, rot, pests, other harmful conditions or promote healthy growth of the tree(s). The financial assistance shall include, but not be limited to the following: low interest loans; work performed by the city, or ordered by the city, with the cost borne in part or in whole by the property owner; work performed by the city, or ordered by the city, with the cost borne by the city to be repaid by the property owner upon such terms as the city and property owner shall agree; or any combination thereof.
(1995 Code, § 8.52.090)