§ 8.52.060   Notice of intent to prune.
   Except in cases of emergencies as described in § 8.52.050, no person shall prune or cause to be pruned any heritage tree limb of a diameter of six inches or greater, or any Valley Oak tree limb of a diameter of two inches or greater, within the city without first submitting a completed heritage tree Intent to prune notice or oak tree intent to prune notice, with the Director as provided herein.
   (A)   The notice shall be delivered to the Director prior to the start of the work to be performed.
   (B)   The notice shall be in a form as provided by the Director and shall include the following information:
      (1)   The name, address and telephone number of the property owner;
      (2)   The name, address and telephone number of the person’s intending to prune the tree;
      (3)   The date(s) of the pruning;
      (4)   A description of the tree(s) to be pruned, including the approximate size and location of the tree with sufficient specificity to enable the Director to precisely locate and identify the subject tree(s);
      (5)   If the work is to be performed in any public right-of-way, proof of insurance coverage for general liability, property damage and workers’ compensation in case of injury or damage to person or property; and
      (6)   Proof of the possession of a valid City of Tulare business license.
   (C)   A copy of the notice must be in the possession of the person pruning the heritage or oak tree at all times during the course of the work being performed.
(1995 Code, § 8.52.060)