§ 7.32.060   Outdoor water use—Water conservation stages.
   No person subject to this ordinance shall knowingly make, cause, use or permit the use of water for residential, commercial, industrial, government or any other purpose in a manner contrary to any provision of this chapter, or in an amount in excess of that use permitted by the conservation stage described immediately below then in effect as determined and declared by the Board.
   (A)   Stage 1, Mandatory Compliance, Water Alert Condition. The following restrictions shall apply to all persons year-round unless removed by the Board declaring implementation of either Stage 2, Stage 3 or Stage 4. Upon the Board removing all of Stages 2 through 4, Stage 1 shall be in effect.
      (1)   All outdoor irrigation shall occur only between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. on designated days. Outdoor irrigation is permitted at any time if:
         (a)   A handheld faucet filled bucket of five gallons or less is used; or
         (b)   A drip irrigation system is used.
      (2)   Dwellings or establishments with even-numbered street addresses shall water only on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, subject to the time restrictions set forth above.
      (3)   Dwellings or establishments with odd-numbered street addresses shall water only on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, subject to the time restrictions set forth above.
      (4)   Monday is a non-watering day unless an exemption is on file with the Public Works Department.
      (5)   The washing of automobiles, trucks, trailers, boats, airplanes and other types of mobile equipment is permitted only when using a handheld hose equipped with a positive shut-off nozzle for quick rinses.
      (6)   The washing of sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, courts, patios, or other paved areas is prohibited unless an approved or conditionally approved exemption is on file with the Public Works Department.
      (7)   The operation of any ornamental fountain or other water feature structure making similar use of water is prohibited unless the fountain uses a recycling system, such as an electric pump. WATER FEATURES are any structures other than a swimming pool or spa (as defined in Cal. Health and Safety Code § 115921) that use, receive, or discharge water for functions other than irrigation, or human or animal consumption.
      (8)   All restaurants are requested to serve water to customers only when specifically requested by customers, and commercial kitchens are required to use pre-rinse spray valves.
      (9)   Lodging establishments must offer customers the option to not receive linen service between the days of their stay.
      (10)   The use of water for irrigation of golf greens and tees is permitted only on designated irrigation days between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.
      (11)   Any person found violating any portion of Stage 1 mandatory compliance more than once will be subject to penalties. All persons, customers and property within the limits of the city shall not commit water waste as identified in § 7.32.050.
      (12)   The foregoing restrictions do not apply to:
         (a)   Landscape irrigation zones that exclusively use drip irrigation systems;
         (b)   Irrigation of ornamental landscapes with the use of an attended handheld bucket or similar container, or an attended handheld hose equipped with a positive self-closing shut-off nozzle or device;
         (c)   Operation for very short periods of time for the express purpose of adjusting or repairing an irrigation system. A sign must be displayed notifying the public of the repairs while the area remains wet;
         (d)   Sports fields and public and private golf course greens and tees may deviate from the mandatory irrigation day and time restrictions in order to maintain play areas and accommodated event schedules by submitting to the Public Works Director or designee an alternative watering schedule that reduces overall water use by 10% based on their respective 2013 consumption levels;
         (e)   Large landscape areas may deviate from the mandatory irrigation day restrictions by submitting to the Public Works Director or designee an alternative watering schedule that reduces overall water use by 10% based on their respective 2013 consumption levels. Applicants must reapply for the exception annually and provide documentation that the alternative watering schedule achieved the required water use reduction. Documentation may consist of water utility bills, pump electric utility bills, or other documentation that provides the required information.
   (B)   Stage 2, Mandatory Compliance, Water Warning Condition. In addition to all of the provisions included in Stage 1, the following restrictions shall apply upon the Board declaring implementation of Stage 2:
      (1)   No outdoor irrigation allowed during the months of: December, January and February.
      (2)   For the months watering is allowed: All outdoor irrigation shall occur only three days per week as described in divisions (3) and (4) below, between 12:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m., then again between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., and then again between 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. on the permitted watering days specified in divisions (3) and (4) below. All persons, customers and property within the limits of the city shall not commit water waste as identified in § 7.32.050.
      (3)   Dwellings or establishments with even-numbered street addresses shall water only on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, subject to the permitted time restrictions set forth above.
      (4)   Dwellings or establishments with odd-numbered street addresses shall water only on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, subject to the permitted time restrictions set forth above.
      (5)   Monday will be a non-watering day, unless an approved or conditionally approved exemption is on file with the Public Works Department.
      (6)   Overseeding of lawns is prohibited. Exception is provided for maintenance of sports fields, and golf course greens and tees.
      (7)   The washing of sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, courts, patios, or other paved areas is prohibited unless an approved or conditionally approved exemption is on file with the Public Works Department. In addition, the following prohibitions will apply:
         (a)   The washing of automobiles, trucks, trailers, boats, airplanes, and other types of mobile equipment is permitted only when using a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shut-off nozzle for quick rinses and on one permitted watering days. No fundraising car washes will be permitted.
         (b)   Use of water from fire hydrants shall be limited to firefighting and/or testing activities necessary to maintain the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Tulare.
         (c)   Commercial nurseries and commercial sod farms, sports fields, golf courses, cemeteries, city parks and other large lawn areas will reduce their water consumption by 25% based on their respective 2013 consumption levels.
      (8)   Any person found violating any portion of Stage 2 mandatory compliance more than once will be subject to penalties. All persons, customers and property within the limits of the city shall not commit water waste as identified in § 7.32.050.
   (C)   Stage 3, Mandatory Compliance, Water Emergency Condition. In addition to all of the provisions included in Stage 1 and Stage 2, the following restrictions shall apply upon the Board declaring implementation of Stage 3:
      (1)   No outdoor irrigation allowed during the months of: November, December, January and February.
      (2)   For the months watering is allowed: All outdoor irrigation shall occur only two days per week as described in divisions (3) and (4) below, between 12:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m., then again between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., and then again between 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. on the permitted watering days specified in divisions (3) and (4) below. All persons, customers and property within the limits of the city shall not commit water waste as identified in § 7.32.050.
      (3)   Dwellings or establishments with even-numbered street addresses shall water only on Wednesday and Sunday, subject to the permitted time restrictions set forth above.
      (4)   Dwellings or establishments with odd-numbered street addresses shall water only on Tuesday and Saturday, subject to the permitted time restrictions set forth above.
      (5)   Monday, Thursday and Friday are non-watering days, unless an approved or conditionally approved exemption is on file with the Public Works Department.
      (6)   Any person found violating any portion of Stage 3 mandatory compliance more than once will be subject to penalties. All persons, customers and property within the limits of the city shall not commit water waste as identified in § 7.32.050.
   (D)   Stage 4, Mandatory Compliance, Water Emergency Condition, Drought Emergency. In addition to all of the provisions included in Stages 1 through Stage 3, the following restrictions shall apply upon the Board declaring implementation of Stage 4:
      (1)   No outdoor irrigation allowed during the months of: November, December, January, February and March.
      (2)   For the months watering is allowed: All outdoor irrigation shall occur only one day per week as described in divisions (D)(3) and (D)(4) below, between 12:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m., then again between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., and then again between 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. on the permitted watering days specified in divisions (3) and (4) below. All persons, customers and property within the limits of the city shall not commit water waste as identified in § 7.32.050.
      (3)   Dwellings or establishments with even-numbered street addresses can water landscapes on SUNDAY ONLY.
      (4)   Dwellings or establishments with odd-numbered street addresses can water landscapes on SATURDAY ONLY.
      (5)   Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are non-watering days, unless an approved or conditionally approved exemption is on file with the Public Works Department.
      (6)   The washing down of sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, courtyards, patios, or any other paved areas is prohibited.
      (7)   Commercial nurseries and commercial sod farms, sports fields, golf courses, cemeteries, city parks and other large lawn areas will reduce their water consumption by 50% based on their respective 2013 consumption levels.
      (8)   Any person found violating any portion of Stage 4 mandatory compliance will be subject to penalties. All persons, customers and property within the limits of the city shall not commit water waste as identified in § 7.32.050.
   (E)   Stage 5, Mandatory Compliance, Water Extreme Emergency Condition, Extreme Drought Emergency. In addition to all of the provisions included in Stages 1 through Stage 4, the following restrictions shall apply upon the Board declaring implementation of Stage 5:
      (1)   Dwellings or establishments with even-numbered addresses can hand-water trees and large shrubs on SUNDAY ONLY, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and midnight.
      (2)   Dwellings or establishments with odd-numbered addresses can hand-water trees and large shrubs on SATURDAY ONLY, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and midnight.
      (3)   Any person found violating any portion of Stage 5 mandatory compliance will be subject to penalties. All persons, customers and property within the limits of the city shall not commit water waste as identified in § 7.32.050.
(1995 Code, § 7.32.060) (Ord. 2020-07, passed 7-21-2020; Ord. 16-01, passed 2-16-2016; Ord. 15-06, passed 7-21-2015; Ord. 14-03, passed 6-17-2014; Ord.1895, passed - -2002; Ord. 95-1754, passed - -1995)