§ 7.32.050   Prohibition on water waste.
   The following uses of water are defined as a “waste of water” and are hereby prohibited, except as otherwise authorized:
   (A)   The use of water which allows excess water runoff to a gutter, ditch or drain. Excess water runoff is runoff in such quantities that the water runoff is capable of flowing or moving in more than droplets on the impervious service. Every water user is deemed to have his or her water distribution lines and facilities under their control at all times and to know the manner and extent of their water use and excess runoff;
   (B)   The excessive use, loss or escape of water through breaks, leaks or malfunctions in the water user’s plumbing or distribution facilities after such an event should reasonably have been discovered and corrected. It shall be presumed that a period of 48 hours after discovery is a reasonable time within which to correct the defect causing the water waste to occur;
   (C)   The washing of vehicles, building exteriors, sidewalks , driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, patios or other paved areas without the use of a positive shut-off nozzle on the hose, which results in excessive runoff, except where necessary in an emergency or to abate a danger to public health and safety. The watering of lawns, ground cover and shrubbery in violation of the stage then in effect, as described in § 7.32.060;
   (D)   Irrigation of ornamental landscape or other vegetated areas within 48 hours of a rain event if it is a designated watering day;
   (E)   Any watering or irrigation of ornamental landscape, turf, or other vegetated area between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day, except by the use of a handheld bucket or similar container, a handheld hose fitted with a positive shut-off nozzle or device that causes it to cease dispensing water immediately when not in use, or for very short periods of time for the express purpose of adjusting or repairing an irrigation system;
   (F)   Installation of non-recirculating water systems in commercial car wash and laundry systems;
   (G)   The draining of swimming pools more than once every three years, except for structural repairs, chemical imbalance, or to comply with public health standards determined by the County Health Officer or City Code Enforcement Officer. Any resident whose swimming pool is drained by order of the city or county for failure to maintain it properly will also be issued a notice of violation. The draining of pools for reasons of health and safety hazards as determined by a City Officer or Department of Health is permitted. Pool drain permit applications due to structural repairs or chemical imbalance shall include the results of a pool water test conducted by an independent testing organization which shows a cyanuric acid level above 100 parts per million, total dissolved solids over 2,500 parts per million, or calcium over 450 parts per million, or a statement of repairs from a licensed pool contractor stating the nature and duration of repairs to be made and the date on which the pool will be drained;
   (H)   Operating a water feature that does not use recirculated water;
   (I)   Food preparation establishments, such as restaurants or cafes, using non-water conserving dish-wash spray valves.
(1995 Code, § 7.32.050) (Ord. 2020-07, passed 7-21-2020; Ord. 16-01, passed 2-16-2016; Ord. 15-06, passed 7-21-2015; Ord. 14-03, passed 6-17-2014; Ord. 1895, passed - -2002)